the analog outputs dont work. awsome product :rolleyes:
oh, and the software supplied doesnt work with it, you need to go download the right software from their website. theres a company thats on the ball.
i dont need any display, thats my issue. i use it for tuning, and i log with the software (map trace > *). if there is another compact no display just analog out controller out there POST A LINK.
maybe they will upgrade these… as per that thread and a few others, this is a known issue, and its just 1 chip.
That’s the one I got, thanks to your research and Xanders suggestion. It’s nice and tiny and fits perfectly in a small cubby hole below my stereo, almost looks like it belongs there. It’s a nice little unit.
I seriously considered that unit as well. The only thing i did not like was the readouts on the display. Too small and the a/f changes so fast thats its difficult to read. Since you dont want a display, this may be your ticket.