
Like six total. I was impressed. Oh yea tdown to grey stickers.

then waiting the month or two, i’m not bitching, it’s just the waiting game. or i’ll sell em Uberengineering style. :wink: what’s the going rate these days for a bootleg sticker?

alot of photocopies have been showing up. 75-100 is rate

Only saw one red sticker on the way home. I was surprised not to see more cops out.


I know right, I only paid $20 (on top of the regular fee) for mine.


gonna need a LOT more zeros for me to risk it…

I think I have an extra 10-day paper tag kicking around- I’ll use that because they never pull you over for those.

I just got mine done finally today (expired in November :ohnoes:). Got pulled over once in December right after I got back from school, but the cop was let me off.

BS I got pulled over the day after I got my new car. Cop said “Just wanted to make sure that was still valid”

I was honestly shocked.

See the bottom of this post.

Im honestly hoping airhead was kidding.

knocks on wood I’ve never been pulled for the 10 day tags. I’ve ran some for so long they turned yellow:mamoru: I’m surprised local cops never noticed me running them so long since most of my cars stand out. I even had 2 cops shine lights on my reg and they didn’t notice. Pure luck. I tend to buy a lot of basketcase vintage cars that I own for a short period before I buy something else. It’s a PITA to get an appointment at the shops I used to go to, and I’ve afraid of taking them to some random place that will always find some reason for them to fail. Now that there are a few people out there that will take it easy on inspections, I’m going to get them done. I was actually waiting till the 1st but I’ve been sick all week.

I’ve had atleast 3 10 day tags confiscated from various cars. (I have stamped spares with no dates). One of them followed by a “There is no way this thing is legal” while driving the pcar. :lol:

idk about you other inspectors but do you think the glue on these stickers gets shittier every year. the new grey stickers are barely tacky enough to stay on the windshield

that is how they were In05

hehe i had a stack of non dated ones for a while. :slight_smile:


how about the lack of adhesive on the damn reg. stickers… i peel the centers out and use some scotch tape around the edges neatly for our customers. i didn’t mind the red ones, the first batch of blue '09 were terrible, then they got better thankfully. haven’t gotten our batch of new '10’s yet so we shall see. always an adventure…

my uncle is a trooper and i asked him if he was on the red ticket hunt, and he said its basically standard procedure is to wait 7-10 days into the new year before they start writing tickets

i could not believe it.