Now expended from; breakin little girls hearts, and your face. To breakin sheet metal as well.
Now expended from; breakin little girls hearts, and your face. To breakin sheet metal as well.
how well does yours work? make sure you have enough hinges. Mine bent after using it couple times. i may improve on mine some day.
It doesnt break as hard of an edge I would like. Its more like a 1/2 radius. I have a leading edge blade from a snow plow coming that I’m gonna use as my breaking edge instead of the bar I tried to grind to a point. That should crisp up the lines a little. I welded washers on the undersides of the boxes so it lifts the bar when you crank the handles back. I’m pretty happy with the first go at it. I’ll try agian.
What do you think this is, First try engineering?
looks good to me. i know i could have used that a million times.
here is a metal work question-- what do u use to cut out plate alum. i have a 1/8th inch thick 4 foot by 8 foot sheet i have used for various brackets and stuff. i dred cutting it out as i use a die grinder and cutoff wheel to score the cut, then use an air sawzall to trim it. takes forever.
Air sawzawls suck ass
Jig saw
thats what i figured. the one tool i dont have at teh garage. keep looking for a used one, no luck yet.
how do the air shears work for tin too? i hate using snips for metal work, but all i got now… keep saying i want to pick up a air shear. is it worth the money. as it is now, i can use a air hammer w/ the sheetmetal tip and cut pretty straight.
wood blade on sawzall
shears won’t work on 1/8. I don’t think.
anyone who does metal work is my hero
I wanna pick up a MIG this summer and learn
no, not for alum. talking about using air shears for 16 to liek 22 g sheetmetal for misc patch work or brackets. thicker gauge metal shit i use the plasma cuter on. aluminium i never really f’d with until recently. figured a jig saw was way to cut it. but no money for a nice standing jig or band saw setup so i use the takes for ever but have time no money method for now.
A handheld jigsaw would work pretty well for you Sailor.
Try to find a super-heavy duty piano hinge that runs the length of the bendin’ brake.
i picked up a air shear from harbor frieght cheap as dirt, works wonders, never use hand power tin snips again
I have 3 sets of broken air shears in the tool box. They suck for longevity, but are freakin awsome when they’re workin.