I turned 25 a few months ago and it has often been told to me that upon doing so, your insurance goes down. I just checked my policy online and Progressive is planning on charging me about 5 bucks less for 6 months. Thats not the kind of reduction I was expecting.
Do you have to call and tell them, “Hey I’m 25, shouldn’t my policy cost less now?”
i turned 25 in jan. and when my policy renewed in march it dropped about $30 a month. i was surprised but pumped. also some points came off so im sure that helped
i thought there was a decent drop at 21? thats what ive been hearing and looking forward to. so far though ive had a clean record since i got my liscnece, and my policy goes down about $60/yr each year, then last yeah i did the defensive driving course and got a further %10 off. now im trying for a 3.0GPa to get another %20 off. GL to me on that one