Insurance Reduction at 25

I turned 25 a few months ago and it has often been told to me that upon doing so, your insurance goes down. I just checked my policy online and Progressive is planning on charging me about 5 bucks less for 6 months. Thats not the kind of reduction I was expecting.

Do you have to call and tell them, “Hey I’m 25, shouldn’t my policy cost less now?”

How much of a reduction did you over 25 guys see?

i was waiting for the big decrease too, but then 9/11happened and my rate actually increased. :mad:

Statefarm called me this month to tell me my insurance would drop next month when i turn 25… i will let you know how much I save…

I was told that it’s the big one. I’m not 25 until 1/4/08… but I’ll let you know! :slight_smile:

a little OT, but what type of insurance drop do you see when you get married?

i was told from state farm, mine plans to drop 20-30dollars a month.

it’ll be relative to the original cost… so would ppl mind posting that up too?

I’m hoping for a 20% decrease… but that won’t be for half a year

mine went from like $920 to like $840 when i hit 25

now (renewed in Nov, first post 25), my renew policy (may 06) is $100 less than it was in Nov :slight_smile:

switch to Geico, shit is fanfuckingtastic

i turned 25 in jan. and when my policy renewed in march it dropped about $30 a month. i was surprised but pumped. also some points came off so im sure that helped

My insurance premium drops 5% each time I renew a 6 month policy.

my shit dropped like 300 a year between the icy hot prizm and the cobra :tup:

Also a good question since I am getting married next month.

i thought there was a decent drop at 21? thats what ive been hearing and looking forward to. so far though ive had a clean record since i got my liscnece, and my policy goes down about $60/yr each year, then last yeah i did the defensive driving course and got a further %10 off. now im trying for a 3.0GPa to get another %20 off. GL to me on that one

My drop was quite good - From like $1500 / yr to like $1100 / yr for the Z. I’ve got State Farm.

EDIT: Just checked my policy, I’m an idiot - I pay $900 / yr now for the Z :slight_smile:

State Farm is good… there were little drops at 21 and 23… 25 should be good.

I’m at about $625 every six months for the Jeep. It went down after ditching the Kia… didn’t think it would.

I’m with state farm and my policy is going down around 800 yr I believe when I turn 25 this year

Mine dropped $50 bux a month.

So it certainly sounds like my discount hasn’t been applied. I’ll have to call Progressive and inform them of the fact that I am 25 now.

Yeah Jay, do it up, I beleive its something they have to do and wont just happen automatically!

on the plus side of things, you’ll probably get a free month of insurance, or atleast discounted for a few months :slight_smile: