Insurance Reduction at 25

I can apply that to my Mustang insurance when that goes on the road.

I got boned on that deal too, I turned 25, sold a car and moved out of state, all on the same day, and my policy stayed the same TOTAL, for one less car.


a made thread when i turned 25 and how pissed i was that my rate went down only $75 a year. This was the last thing i had to look forward to while getting older…the next thing is senior citizen discounts.

it’s all downhill from here.

i never got a discount at 25.

This decrease also is based on your driving record, if youve had accidents or points it might not go down at all, give your agent a call and see whats up. Mine went down big time when i got married, then a few months later i turned 25 and it went down even more! (the only thing cool about gettin married)

yea I have never had a moving violation, so that may be why I got a good one

Hmm I do have 2 points right now. I wonder if that has something to do with it. I am about a month away from those going away though.