intel mobile 2.8/1.6 ghz processor

its in a dell 1150
how do i keep it at 2.8 all the time?

settings in bios?

OC’ing a desktop is one thing, but a notebook brings a whole different dynamic to the table. I wouldn’t do this for a couple reasons…

  1. What do you need to be done faster on a notebook, you don’t play games on it that would impact it so what gives?
  2. You run the risk of blowing something up. Dell notebooks blow up, for real.
  3. You run the risk of melting something too including your nuts (regardless of how tiny they are…)

nada, that was the first place i looked

i cant find anything on this machine that controls it. i have anything theres no software or services or anything. its got me stumped.

im not OCing it (though you know i would) :slight_smile: i just dont want the processor to slow down when its on battery power or just doesnt felling like running fast.

Sounds like this would give you the ability to disable dynamic frequency control of the cpu.

thanks guys

Works great on P4s