Question Re: Dual Core Processors...

My laptop that I’ve had for the last 4+ years is finally starting to take a shit. It’s worked well, but its started to turn off, it doesn’t have much memory, its making a loud buzzing noise, etc… so its time to upgrade.

I was checking out Dell’s website and they have “Dual Core” processor upgrade and a 1GB RAM upgrade for free on their laptops. What is this dual core processor, and what does it mean for me?

Thanks in advance.

Normal processors (single core) have one route for information to take through the processor. Dual cores, have two. Essentially, twice the speed of the same processor but in single core.

(at least that’s how I understand it.)

your basicly taking two processors and throwing them onto one die with 2 caches and an ultra fast fsb… its pretty nice is you can afford it… but basicly its alot faster heh… thats the best way I can explain it to you.

cool, thanks guys (and ladies)… I think I’ll probably put my order in tomorrow for one, I just wanted to double check and see what the hell they were since I had never heard of them before.