Interesting morning

Woke up, felt a little sore from the workout yesterday.



Got on the bus.

Waited at train station.

Got on the train.

Passed out.

Woke up to “Is someone here a doctor?” and “Call 911!!”

So there is this girl who i guess passed out / fainted.

“She has no pulse!”

I go over check her neck, pulse. Check her wrists, pulse.

I go to hold her neck up straight, and she wakes up, looks at me, and goes, “Hi”

I was like, wtf, is this a joke…?

Interesting day to start your day

so it was a joke? lol thats wierd

um… so you sleep on the train?
were you the girl in this story?
Did you get her number?

awesome… you are so sexy when you talk about all that doctor stuff.

did you get her number?

id love you to hold my neck!!!

id say more than HI tho :slight_smile:


did you get her number?

So what was this girl’s deal??

u cant end the story like that man…

were you the girl in this story?



that was kinda weird tho


The girl woke up and said “hi”

and then the train arrived at grand central

and then I said “you ok?”

she says “yeah, why?”

I said “You just fainted” lol

She says “oh, i feel fine”

I’m like, “ok be careful”

And no, I didn’t get her number.

Not a joke


thats funny…

im so tired…it took me three tries to quote that message



it’s gonna be a good day.

hah, thats funny. Nice job waking her up howie. I dont think an NYC train is a place that a girl really wants to be unconcious. Giggity :slight_smile:

or a man sleeping…


[Howie] - I don’t remember eating a cream filled donut - [/Howie]

too bad she woke up before you had time to find out if she was tight or not. loose girls suck.

this is true sir

I lost my virginity to a loosey

I remember thinking “why does everyone rave about this? I’d rather be smoking pot”

isnt that sad?


Was she hot?

My condolences…

how long before You found out “what is was all about”?