Interesting Native American stuff going on

A little OT…
If you are Indian, atleast on the Salamanca Rez, you get like $6K for your 18th birthday, and you recieve a check monthly in numerous amounts I saw some from $600-$1200 a month. When I worked at the bank down there, “KIDS” were coming in cashing checks bigger then my paycheck,just because they were Indian…

I was born into the wrong family!! :banghead:

If they can give it away I don’t think they need anymore!


You are absolutely right, except, when you buy something in Canada, the Canadians don’t collect US taxes, so why should the Native American’s collect NYS tax?


Quite simple, becase we don’t have customs stations around the Seneca’s “sovereign nation”. NY gave them the option of charging the tax on non-natives and they refused. Putting up custom stations on all roads leading into the rez isn’t a pratical option, and it would just cause more protests, so NY is going to tax at the wholesale level.

PS… I’m completely in favor of ripping up 95% of the roads going into and out of the rez, and putting true border crossings on the remaining 5%. If they want to keep playing the sovereign nation card, we should fully comply. Stop every car coming off the rez and inspect it for goods purchased outside the US, and collect the duty there.

What is it personally doing to you guys? Seriously. Just leave them alone.

Give me a PERSONAL REASON as to why you think that they should be taxed and rip up their roads and whatever else you guys were fucking saying.




so, what you’re saying is that: Senecas = Al Qaida? :stuck_out_tongue:


What is it personally doing to you guys? Seriously. Just leave them alone.

Give me a PERSONAL REASON as to why you think that they should be taxed and rip up their roads and whatever else you guys were fucking saying.


PERSONAL opinions should not matter. only legal reasoning should qualify.


What is it personally doing to you guys? Seriously. Just leave them alone.

Give me a PERSONAL REASON as to why you think that they should be taxed and rip up their roads and whatever else you guys were fucking saying.


Just when you earn some respect with that douchebag thread. :sigh:

Why the hell do I have to provide a personal reason to want to see billions of dollars in sales that are going untaxed get taxed? Not to mention the cost smoking has on healthcare, a cost this state is paying more than any two other states combined. In case you missed it, part of the reason there are such high taxes on cigs is because the government is trying to get people to quit, and feeing those who don’t quit to try to attempt to recover some of the health care cost.

As Nikuk pointed out, the only reason that matters is the legal reason. Charging taxes on sales to non-natives has already gone to the highest court in the land, the US Supreme Court, and it was ruled LEGAL. End of story, no where else to appeal, time for someone to stand up and enforce it. That’s why Spitzer gets the :tup: from me, despite him being a Democrat and I a Republican. As someone else pointed out in a Spitzer thread (and I hate to admit I think it was JoesTypeMB), Spitzer does what is right, not what a party tells him to. If it’s the right thing to do he’ll go against Democrat, Republican, Union, and even Indian.

BTW… all you “leave the Indians alone” people. How many of you get gas or cigs on the rez? I’ve noticed the most vocal Indian supporters all seem to be regular smokers. Chances are you don’t give a shit about the Indians, you just want your tax free cigs. I bet 90% of the Seneca’s support bandwagon would disappear if NY dropped the tax on gas and cigs, proving that all people really cared about was getting THEIR discount, not helping these poor people.

She’s not yet old enough to notice her tax money squandered.

I agree the white man should be taxed. I just don’t see how it’s their problem to collect the taxes. However, if I were them, I would do what everyone else does with taxes - lie. "Oh yeah, we only had 3 customers all week :gotme: "


She’s not yet old enough to notice her tax money squandered.

I agree the white man should be taxed. I just don’t see how it’s their problem to collect the taxes. However, if I were them, I would do what everyone else does with taxes - lie. "Oh yeah, we only had 3 customers all week :gotme: "


Too late for that, when they’re running internet businesses shipping cigs all over the country. It’s pretty easy to go to the courts and demand an audit of sales when you see the wholesale gas and cig invoices. Without off-reservation sales even member of the Seneca’s would need to be smoke 30 packs a day and driving 50000 miles a week in Hummer to make the numbers add up.

So who here claims their internet purchases each year so you can get taxed on them?


So who here claims their internet purchases each year so you can get taxed on them?


You do realize that the tax imposed on cigarettes & gasoline is NOT just sales tax.

Same principal and idea.


Same principal and idea.


Not really, because if you get audited the state can easily get your purchase information for the majority of your internet purchases. If they tried to setup the same system with the Seneca’s, how likely would it be that the Seneca’s could or would provide sales history records when Dawn or Violator get audited because they didn’t claim any rez purchases?

ugh, this debate again, with the same people pissed as last time.
you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Either #1 be a soverign nation, and act like it,
or #2 accept the fact that you’re part of america, and act like it.

you can’t cherry pick the best parts of both sides.

BTW, I did claim some internet purchases, at the advice of my tax advisor. He said claiming nothing was starting to get people flagged for audits by the state. I didn’t care, because everything I bought online last year was a business expense anyway.

If you get audited, and claimed 0 for internet purchases, NYS is going to require you to produce your bank and credit card statements for the prior year to prove you had no internet purchases. So be careful.

I agree that people should be required to pay taxes on thier purchases at the rez.

I haven’t disagreed with that at any point.

BTW, I also don’t smoke or buy shitty rez gas ever.

BTW, not that I would condone tax evasion, but a person could take cash out of their bank account, buy a pre-paid debit card at the local gas station, and use it for your internet purchases. Since it’s pre-paid there is no account linking back to you.

If you do it a lot though, you’re going to have to explain all that cash being withdrawn. It’s not just more than 10k a day anymore. In fact, I just got done writing a new report that’s a federal requirement for banks called a “velocity of funds report”. Basically it tracks aggregated transactions over a period of several days to see if you’re moving money around too much.


but then they would be a minority and probably have more rights than they have now, and we wouldnt want that.


They are legally considered a minority and entitled to benefits/programs


Give them a box of beads and beaver pelts… It worked once.




They are legally considered a minority and entitled to benefits/programs


That makes the whole situation even worse.


That makes the whole situation even worse.


another ignorant thread
