interior/exterior lighting help!

hey guys, when i turn on my lights at night, the interior doesnt come on, and the exterior doesnt come on except for the popup headlights…

when i break, signal reverse, all those come on, but not when i just sit there with the lights on…

any idea? i checked ALL FUSES(every single one, just incase one thing lead to another), all are fine…the switch is fine, since if that wasnt working i’m assuming the headlights wouldnt turn on…

k here is what i did today…

i ran the car idle on my driveway with the rad cap off to air out the radiator since it was overheating yesterday a bit so i was checking to see if ther was air in the system…

then i took off the doorp anel on the driver’s side to fix the power window…that lil relay box or whatever, i took that apart and figured out the problem…

then i took out the centre console, like where the deck is, and the armrest/ciglighter/ashtray centre piece to see why the power mirror switch doesnt work…turns out it’s not even hooked up…about 4 loose wires under the armrest…i didnt touch anything else…i put electrical tape on the end of two wires which were just sitting there…they were splicedw ith the wires that go into the cig lighter…a black one and a red w/ white stripe…i taped the ends of those two wires with electrical tape, i left the other 3 wires alone, just how it was…

i went to watch a movie at yorkdale, came out only to find out the lights dont come on…that is when i did a full fuse check, i took out the centre console again to see…i checked each loose wire to see if it was a grounding problem(which i suspect is the main culprit here)…but nothing did anything…so i just drove home with my friend behind me…

any ideas?..again i doubt it’s the switch since it was working perfectly fine before, and the headlights come on…so there is signal from the switch into the system…
is ther anything in the driver’s door, or the centre console, or the audio deck area that could mess up the lighting? again all the fuses are fine, so nothing was shorted…i’m guessing it’s a grounding problem somewhere…which is why i ask if there is anything in the centre console or the driver’s side door that could affect it like this…

thx in advance.
