Internet outage Amherst area 3/16?

Just lost all connectivity at our office, which I assumed was our crack team of r-tards in IT but I can’t ping my home server from my phone either. Same with two friends who have home servers on the Amherst/Cheektowaga line. Interesting because 3 are FIOS and one is Time Warner.

Edit: First customer call about his Internet being down, and he’s in Ohio.

My house comes from the Amherst TWC hub and its fine?

Edit: I just talked to one of the network engineers apparently they’re having some cable modem issues…It’s effecting a large area not just Amherst.

FiOS is working amazing as always in Amherst.

Well, my office is Verizon fios so you might want to let those engineers know its not your hardware. :slight_smile:

It might be unrelated Verizons network is configured way differently from TWC peering points etc.

vzw dsl is ok here in EA.

no idea on FiOS at home but I havent heard anything from my brother.

Swung by the house on lunch and can confirm zero connectivity here with FIOS.

Time warner out in Hamburg.

Have good Time warner here in West Seneca.

Just had some networks go down here at work, and downforeveryone said our site was down. Paetec is the provider though. Maybe a Level 3 problem?

Everything back up and running as of about 30 minutes ago here and @ home.

Hahahaha ^ Perfect

Well done sir.

Anyone else having trouble in WNY tonight? Over in Pendleton and everything is really really laggy.