internet question

Right now I moved into an apartment where the cable is still on. Guy moved out third week of august and we had cable ever since. Now I don’t know how long it will be on for, but in the mean time of getting free cable I’d like internet too. If I were to call road runner up, could I just get the internet through them or would they start questioning me on the cable being under a different name and such? If not road runner, what other options do I have?

You can just call them and tell them to come and hook up internet. just tell them you’re the old tenant. they will never know. Now getting free phone service, that’s a different story.

The other guy isn’t getting charged, they just never bothered to turn it off because he probably had digital and a box like most people. When I shut mine off a few years ago, they just took the box. Took them over a year to realize I was still watching basic analog cable. As soon as you ask for internet, you can kiss the cable goodbye, they will shut it off this time.

Steal wireless…

can u get FIOS through verizon? or even there DSL?

I got free cable for 2 years at my old apartment. When the internet guy came to hook up my neighbor’s internet upstairs, he noticed their free cable hooked up, questioned me, I denied knowing anything about it or the fact that I had it too. He ripped out their cable cords and yet my service remained. Then again, I have boobs.

Well thats shitty. So if they come hook up the internet they will realize the cable is still hooked up and then fuck me. No fios in the area. :frowning: I’ll have to check if they do have another service. No stealing wireless cuz the only other tenants are like >60. lol

Verizon DSL is cheaper and more reliable than cable IMHO and it wouldn’t interfere with your scamming situation.

just looked up verizon dsl and apparently its not available in the area yet.

DSL? or fios? i thought dsl was everywhere try calling them to find out i dont think the online is correct

Did the apartment offer cable as part of the lease?

I know a couple apartment complexes where basic cable is in the lease but they don’t have the ability to filter basic cable…So if you don’t pay for it you end up with it anyways…at which point you just sign up for the cable modem from timewarner directly.

Roadrunner Lite. Cheaper than DSL and 2x faster.