TV/Internet/extras thread - HELP

My roommate is moving to Virginia, so I really want to keep the apartment because I love it. In the past the utilities were split three ways… and cable/internet was EXPENSIVE, for what it was.

Right now we have timewarner cable + HBO ondemand and time warner internet. UB South campus area.

Anyone have a suggestion what they would use for cable and internet? HBO ondemand is awesome it would be nice to keep that.

I am a huge newbie when it comes to TV services. any help would be super.

do you know your neighbors? maybe they’d be willing to split cable/internet services with you?

Umm, this has been discussed, many times, recently.


Internet = Fios.
We have VZ phone & Fios (15/5) for ~$86 / mo total. It’s roughly $40/mo per service, I do not know the standalone price for Fios internet.
The internet speeds (actual) and “lack” of drop-out of connectivity compared to my personal >1yr experience with TW’s RR gives me not so much as an inkling of considering RR again until they have proven otherwise to me.

TV: I shed TW for DISH >2 yrs ago. Alot of reasons, price among them. Beyond the price (which as of two years ago meant saving ~$20/mo) the picture quality was EASILY far better with DISH. More HD, better SD picture, better Settop Boxes & interfaces.

On the down side, since a DISH firmware update a few months ago I’ve been having alot og signal strength problems with DISH and am in process of having FIOs TV installed. Again, because it will be saving me ~$40/mo for roughly the same lineup. Atop of that it is a “landline”. I’m not too big on TV in general (out side of sports, news, and a few weekly shows), but I damned well expect it to work when I want to use it.

Meh… I really don’t care for them, but they do keep to themselves.

Do any of them have open wireless networks? LOL

Or, do you have any knowledge of hacking a 64-bit WEP key (As most of them probably just use that…)


If it’s a college area, I bet many of them use Time Warners wireless… lol I loved how easy that is to hack. into. 99% of the time it gets setup as the SSID is the mac address and the wep is the mac followed by 14 zeroes… god.

Or if it was changed, I would take the mac id of the broadcasting signal, plug it into the search database from home find the customers account log in remotely to their wireless and grab their password all fun stuff.

Send me an IM Dan I’ll give you some info on TWC.

yea I could do that/ I already do that when i wanna whack off to kiddy porn…

But I was looking for something a little faster… FIOS would be super if I could get it down there… I just don’t know the cost of it.

Any suggestions for Cable/satellite tv?

If you’ve been a TW customer for a while you could try just calling up and saying that you’re happy with TW’s services but you are thinking about switching in order to save money and maybe they’ll throw a promotion at you.

That is so cheating.

that isn’t a bad idea at all… being that the account would have to switch names too… I bet that would work pretty well

I live in the city and have DirectTV + Verizon DSL + Home Phone and its like 110 a month. Without the phone is like 100.

No HBO on demand tho but we got a shit load of channels.

Wait, you’re leaving the area?


I would like to stay in the apartment that I’m currently in… I apologize for the incoherence, my allergies are going insane right now…

My roommate is leaving, and to afford the apartment I have to cut some costs or justify spending what I do

or find another roommate. lol.

get another roommate.

Start going to DISH, DTV, and FIOS websites and build a system / price quote.

You’re only real alternative as far as internet will be Fios.


Digital cable with free hd, and roadrunner runs me 79 bucks per month.

39.99 for cable, 29.99 for internet.

I split that three ways with my girlfriend and the tenant upstairs.

Eh? That requires a contractor to change settings in the router, 99% of the homenets in the field are still default settings out of box.

What do you mean a contractor? We used to program those things remotely all the time. IP address on port 7843 or 8080 depending on which model it was default login was always admin/admin or sometimes we would change the pass so the user couldn’t do it themselves.

Homenet installs, most installs are done by contractors, most don’t touch the settings and leave them default, which is wep128 and the key plus remote access disabled…