Intro thread


just moved to malta from florida to work at globol foundaries, havent relly gotten a job yet tho, ive always been real into cars and the car scenes, any good lots in the area??

my car isnt much now but i have big plans, ne one kno anything about swaping like the turbo stareon motor into my accord? its a 95 but i just put a ton of work into it- new muffler, breaks, fixed a coolent leak, etc

the stareon engines are really cool my brother has one with like 500hp raced an r6 and was rite on his qarter panel to 210, crazy, so i wanna put a engine like that in my accord cus i kno no one else has thougt of that swap! :number1

hope to meet some real chill dudes in the area, im 420 friendly too so hmu!

Welcome!! That swap should be easy-peasy, Hit up member skidmark as he is our go to guy. He is also ATM friendly as well.

  • rep :rofl

Welcome though.

thanks but whats atm

banks i dont trust banks they just try to take mony been working this out with adirondack trust for like 3 days now they said i overdrafted and was like -40 but i had just put a check in for like 113 now i only got like 20 on me til who knows when i need to get in globol foundaries

So a Mitsubish or Dodge StarIon went 210mph?

I’d message member Murrdog9000 or Killerblackbird. They’re the Honda swap experts here. They too happen to be 420 friendly!

Forgot to mention, Murrdog9000 helped Killerblackbird do a starion swap into his accord last year



User named cossey on here owns a bank. Contact him if you ever have any banking questions.

im not tryin to be sending messages all over if you know anythng about the swap just post it its a forum shit and yeah cossy its nuts hes got it all on this sick fuji camera hes got ill see him tonight and see if hell put it on streetfire

And with, that, I will repeat: So a Mitsubish or Dodge StarIon went 210mph?

in for 210mph bombs. Did your brother by any chance own a zr1 and cruise rt9 at all??

It’s true he hooked me up the other day:

ya 210

u really own a bank

Yes. It’s based in Switzerland, and has some very good interest rates if you’re interested in opening a saving’s account for your swap. I could turn that $20 into $23 in about 3 years.

Judging by his comments in the turbo ipad2000 thread in gonna throw this out there:

TROLLLLLLLLLLL or another Joseph Washburn not totally sure yet.

is this real life?

lol thats wat i was thinkin

Pretty good rates for a savings account. I will be contacting you soon. Thanks for your time.