Introduce yourself thread!

why do you want another E36?

everyone knows E30’s are the best :hug

More fun, less balla, less $.

I would get an E30 as a toy but not as a DD. I have to drive clients around so my DD cant be crazy modded.

E34 M5. clients need more room.

Yep, E30 would make the greatest toy known to man. Too bad they are getting more expensive than E46’s :'(.

I referred him here from

Whats up, Tyler :number1

Second ugliest car evar made.

so its pontiac aztek, then e34?

Looks like I never introduced myself.

I’m Ilya. I’ll be 22 in June. I drive a 1999 Nissan Maxima SE with a few toys (more coming). I’m Ukrainian born (moved to NY in 1989) and work in IT as a do-it-all (except for programming).


you will burn in hell.

Nice clean M3! Welcome! A couple of people on here live around the Guilderland area! I’m ALWAYS up that way. Future inlaws live right in Voorheesville.


I’d introduce myself but i think everyone knows me!

Welcome. I was behind you like a week ago on Central Ave.

Lovin’ the truck.

serial speedster!

Did you do 200mph on the freewayz?! :excited Autograph time!

other than the turbo kit the truck is bone stock. its a 2003 TOYOTA S-Runner. I am led to believe its one of 2500 ever made.

I have never gone 200 any where. The fastest I have ever gone was 192mph but that was on the autobahn and in a car that wasnt mine, with someone else driving.

I’m no celebrity, just a guy trying to persue his dream.

what’s up Pete. known you from wayyyyy back. Good to see you on here finally. I didn’t know you got a new truck… looks good man.

Yeah hi my name is …princess…or Annie, whatev. lol. I have a 1990 300zx twin turbo swap and it’s for sale. B/c I get bored easily and want something diff. Ps that BMW is reallllyyyyy sexy, Ide drive something like that. Oh and yes, I actually do know about cars and how to drive. No i will not put up pics of myself. and no, im not hideously deformed. Ok cool nice to meet you guys, and re meet some of you I used to know back in the pink pearl neon days. lol

heyyyy there annie long time no see …and yeaa good choice not putting up pics of yourself …the guys on here would go crazy on you asking for your number haha

ps the neon was the shit back in the day

Probably wouldn’t mention you have a heartbeat either since some people are seemingly desperate on here…

Sprockit - good to see you on here. I hope my father doesn’t have to work his metalworking skills on that Tundra’s frame!