Introducing The Onyx Syndicate


i registered (under the same user name) and i have yet to get an activation email whats up??


i registered (under the same user name) and i have yet to get an activation email whats up??


Check your spam box… we’ve had an issue with that. You should be activated now.


I take it this is an import only group?


Not at all. Run what you brung (as long as it’s safe obviously). Everyone is welcome to participate.

great idea, how what the eff happened to all the footage from LAST year??? :smiley:


great idea, how what the eff happened to all the footage from LAST year??? :smiley:


Patience grasshopper, soon all will be revealed.

Are the Onyx forums down for anybody else?

Yeah it’s going to be down for a day or so.

shit i need to get my suspension fixed asap i would love to participate in this!!

site is still down?

never gets past


  <title>The Onyx Syndicate </title>
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for me.

who the fuck uses frames anyway, and why are you hosting in germany (or amsterdam, not sure, the WHOIS was a bit vague/misleading)?? if you need help w/ the web shit Josh gimme a shout.

edit, wait, that’s where you are pulling content from… after seeing where DNS resolved to, ok, revision: who the fuck hosts with “” aka 1&1 (seems like some seedy group in PA)?

This is the same as Bing’s host for, and we just added our new stuff to it… but the whole thing is still down… We’ve called the host and they said they’re working on it, but this is a little obnoxious…

That’s who we’re with since he’s always hooked Bing up real nice with the price… but I guess that has it’s disadvantages :banghead:

yeah i’ve been on the phone with these fuckers all morning…

looks like we will be switching hosts in the immediate future.

for a host, I highly recommend they have never given me any downtime, and they are continually upgrading and adding things to your account. If you want a new version of php support, send an e-mail and bam your server is updated.

The site is back up finally… several bugs should be fixed too.