Introductions - New users please post intros here

Welcome Russ glad to see you joined and rockin PC,

R.I.P Coyner:(

PC all day baby…


My name is Terry, I’m not exactly a new user on son, but i havent really been on much over the years until now. anyone who is on Toronto Nissan Club or sr20forum might already know me.

I live in the east, ajax area.

I dont own a 240, but I will be looking for an S13 coupe rolling chassis over the winter. the plan is to build a RWD SR20VE to compete in GT sprint racing in Ontario.

this is my daily driver/project:


Hey Everyone. Im DBJ a.k.a Chris.

Ive loved the look and specs of the 96-97 240 for a long LONG time. Now that my Avenger is seeing its last days. I thought I might as well start looking for a 240sx. I never realized that there was a club dedicated to them in southern ontario which makes it awesome.

Im in Paris. Right in the middle of everything. 20-30 mins from KW area, 40 from London and an hour from Toronto.

Teach me the ways of the 240. I want to learn as much as I can before I get one.


hey all, Im Russ, Im 18, saw a picture of a '91 and fell in love, got my license and now lookin for a 240.

Okay This time I got it on the right section

Hey Guys

I guess first things first…I just recently got my Nissan 240sx from a private sale and I did a little bit of work on it, mainly the body. It still has a few dings here and there not really please with the body work but it will do for now.

I am new on this forum site and reason I joined is I really want to know more about my 240’s potential. My Nissan is a 1991 240sx SE, the engine on it is Twin Cam 2.4L…correct me if I am wrong the KA24DE just going on a limb here. I was told by a nissan enthusiast that my car does not come with LSD, I did my research on the part and just want to know is there a better price for them.

To close this note I actually want to meet a couple of 240 owners and really learn from them, mainly performance and abilities of this awesome car…I only had this car for about close to 3 months now and I ENJOY driving it around.

I’ve pushed my car to its max speed on HWY 400 once but that was it. Anyways hope some one could give me hand and it would be much appreciated.

PS: I live around Morningside and Sheppard just of HWY 401, does any one meet close to or any where around the area?

probly not the best idea to say you drove your car 180km/h on “HWY 400”

especially with the laws today…

and im pretty sure all 91-94 SE models in canada came with a vlsd, i may be

wrong, but my car has one, try doing a small burnout in an empty lot, see if

you get 2 patches or 1,

if you have a canadian model (speedo in klm and not miles) you should have an lsd

you have two options

  1. do a burnout, see if both wheels spin
  2. check for a little orange sticker on the side - I believe its on the drivers side. its really hard to see though if you dont know where to find it and it would be a lot easier if you jack it up and take the wheel off. I believe it just says “LSD”

welcome to the forum, be careful what you post as far as “things you’ve done” because 99% of the guys here will try to find a way to tell you that you are an idiot for doing all of the same things that they’ve done.

I like to have fun in my car also and I regularly hit the speed limiter whenever I feel like it on an open road. It’s my choice, fuck anyone who thinks otherwise :slight_smile:

Have fun with your car and you are more than welcome to visit any of the weekly meets that the members arrange… off of the top of my head there is one is richmond hill (friday) and one in mississauga (wednesday) every week… check the stickies in the meets and events section… be sure to read the last few posts of the threads if you plan to go because some of the meets move around every week so make sure you’re going to the right place. Post if you aren’t sure.

If you plan on modifying your car there are several people on the board who have dealer accounts with suppliers who can get your pretty good pricing on parts in comparison to the retail stores in Ontario.

If you have questions regarding the usefulness of mods post in the technical section with a clearly worded question and if you ask questions about any non-name-brand ebay products idiots will try to make fun of you - I can tell you right now the truthful answer is “dont bother, its probably a waste of your time and money”.

Thanks guys…I really need all the help I can get, and I’ll make sure I watch what I say in the forums

Hi my name is Josh
I would love to get a 240 coupe for a daily driver
and I would also love one for racing

wasnt there some guy talkin about maxing his car out on the hwy…?

wtf is goin on here

Hey just joined… picking up my 240sx on Fri so I am finally out of the DSM’s for awhile and get to play with some real fun cars.

im guessing ur guna winter drive it?

Where are you from?

Hello i’m alex, i have a 1991 240sx Fastback. i’m from chicago and i was looking for a set of those daytime running lights and found this site.
In chicago we have the ChicagoArea240sx . We have about 450 people alot less then you but still alot for one city.

Hey Names Filisha - Live in scarborough im 20! new to ta site…
I drive a 91 nissan 240sx red with gold sparkles also part of TEAK 24K! holla! LOL sum of ya may have seen it its got a big heart on the hood.


nice to see all the 240 luv!

so you race?

hi my name is Eric
i live in hamilton
i own an 89 240sx (hatch) and also a 90 coupe (my project car)

Tyler Bradley
Fenwick (close to Welland and St. Catharines)
98 Altima for the Winter, looking for a s13 preferrably hatch.

was on this forum for about a year and half as lol
decided i should change my name…im not too sure how i screwed that up originally but yea…so MODS you can delete the other account…i dont think i can do it?