Invisable Fence

I’m thinking about getting one for my dog and was wondering if anyone has had first hand experience with one and how well it actually worked for them.


I have had 3, and would never own a dog without one. If it is a big yard, you may want to consider purchasing a heavier wire though. I have had bad luck with the wire supplied with the kit.

We had an indivisible fents when I was a kid for our GS. It was hard training him b/c he HATED going outside, we almost got rid of it. He eventually got used to it and it was great. Just remember, its not perfect, and when they get the urge to chase that deer and bolt through the fence (which will happen), they can’t get back in. They work great though, just expect to spend quite a bit of time training, esp. if your dog isn’t a puppy.

If you search, there should be a huge thread from last year on this topic… from when I got my dogs.

I personally decided against it because of my rescue dog; shes got some issues, and I’m worried about the shock being too much/bad thing with her; not to mention she’s FAST as hell and can jump like a cat; so I’d imagine she’d probably either go through it, or it’d scare the hell outta her and I’d have other issues with that.

I’m going with a combo chain-link; wooden fence setup for my 2; little more expensive, but not that bad. I’m looking like $2K to do my yard (in materials and rental equipment). And I feel more secure with that than the IF.

:slight_smile: humor.

torchering the dog! that just sounds like cruel and unusual punishment if you ask me.

they work great… they suck when you try them out yourself.

although one of my dogs is so fucking retarded he’ll just sit in the zap zone and take it, he’s quite the masochist. But both dogs never go past the line, even though the batteries are dead in their collars.

Its kind of sadistic how you train them…

Best ever yambag

well when your potentially moving into an area where they don’t allow fences then you have to seek out alternatives like this. I’d rather not electrocute my dog but a little shock to let her run around freely vs chained up and tangled between trees is a small price to pay if its effective.

dumb question but can it be used in the rain?

it is not cruel, and it works surprisingly well. Depending on the nature of the dog, it will likely get out of the yard every now and then though. It will start to figure out that if it runs right through it, the collar only gives it a quick shock.

yea thats the one thing that worries me… she’s a mountain cur so she’s very fast and loves hunting, which is fine in a properly fenced in yard but in an unfenced wooded lot, yikes! She’s pretty smart so she’ll learn quick but still she can flip a switch and throw everything out the window at times.

lol it should be setup up to shock until the dog crosses back over the line, that’ll learn her.

if she starts chasing any sort of animal/scent, that thing aint gonna stop her.

Exactly why I didn’t do it for mine…

My rescued Carolina Dog has such a strong tracking/hunting/etc drive she’ll go right through it… But she has some emotional issues from her past that I worry the shock may have some bad side effects on her. So it wasn’t worth the risk.

I have a golden retreiver and we got the invisible fence when she was a puppy. It works amazing! She learned quick and knows where her boundaries are. The collar also emits a warning beep when they get close to the shock line so as soon as she hears the beep she backs right off. I also have woods in my backyard so she sees animals all the time and never runs through the fence after them.

might have to do 2 layers of wire maybe and double the fence in that case with about 5 feet between them. if the first doesn’t i would certainly hope the second would stop her.

Does she chase them though?

She chases them to the boundary then just barks

I can see avoiding something like that if you feel it may worsen an existing issue.

We have “Pet Stop” brand, guys in orchard park. Great system, great people to deal with and have never had any issues with it, works great.

And its fun playing “who can hold the collar the longest getting zapped game”.

i put my buddys dog collar on my ankle… (definitely not my neck) and ran threw the fence… it kicked my ass… he had a smaller dog too

I’ve got a golden retriever too, we trained her on it as a puppy and she hasn’t been out of the yard since probably the first year of using it. She sees animals and doesn’t go anywhere. She knows to stop from the beeping sound it emits before she reaches the line if she ever gets close, but she almost never even gets that far.

As for emotionally scarred or whatever, our last dog was adopted from the spca after a pretty bad home life, and he picked up the fence just fine too. The shock’s not that bad, especially when you consider how much fur they have.