iPad will it blend?


Nice. Interesting solution to it not fitting in the blender.

jesus… so awesome

Nice. Their next test should be the iFag: will it blend?

notice that when he bends it there is no metal backing on it.

But this is the best use of the iPad I’ve seen thus far.

NO metal backing only so he could bend it… not because it wouldnt blend…

that thing will blend some seriously sturdy stuff…

Blends better than it runs java…

Blends better than it multitasks…

Blends better than it recognizes handwriting

Easier to blend than type on…


It was hilarious on tosh.o when he smashed one with a golf iron.

I am convinced the Apple is a cult. Cant believe people actually waited in line all day to get these things.

omg i havent watched one of these in a while, i used to love these

looks like i know what im doing for the next 2 hrs

:lol: Flawless execution. :highfive:

EDIT: blends better than it reads flash drives