iPhone 6 Plus 64GB White

Brand new.

good luck with that

lol… Sadly you might get it on eBay. Watching one with 8 minutes left that’s up to $1225. 6 plus 64gb. I’ll update this post when it closes because I’m sure a bunch of people are using bid snipers.

Closed at $1250.

Ya they are selling already. On eBay and running up prices now. $400 to stand in line for 3 hours isn’t bad.

Can’t you buy these unlocked and contract free for $750? I don’t see why someone would pay double to have it a few weeks early.

Its an apple product. They are sold out of a lot of the plus models and people are anxious.

This is sold. I have one more I will be selling or hold on to before eBay. $1500 or best offer.

How much did you get?



they let you buy more than one?

One of my coworkers got a text from a friend who was in the line at AT&T. 60 people in line and only 8 phones coming to the store. The kid in the 8th spot in line auctioned off his spot and made $400.

Capitalism… FUCK YEAH.

Ya everyone can buy two. I only have my own line on my plan but still got a second one for retail.

att corporate store had limited plus models so that’s why I came here

I still don’t get standing in line for one of these and im a huge nerd


i’d wait in line for an hour or so, that’s about the extent of my patience.

Me either but I have to admit the idea of making a grand for camping out one night at the mall doesn’t sound too bad.

That is amazing profit, awesome job. People are clearly retarded, America is doomed. That is all.

I take it as the exact opposite. Capitalism is alive and well. Someone had enough money to pay that much over retail to have ti now, and someone else was willing to trade their time/effort for that money. Long live profits!

What are these selling for new without contract? $1450 is retarded to pay when you can wait a week and get it for probably half the price. What is one week to wait vs having the newest phone that does exactly what other phones already on the market do. Hell from the sounds, it does less.

I’m going to report this for going OT in a FS thread.

Crony capitalism is indeed…alive and well. The money being exchanged holds less spending power than in year past. This is OT, stay on task Jay. Yamba gon get reported. Awwwww snap. :stuck_out_tongue: