Iphone question

How do i take a movie i have on my PC and convert it to play on the iphone, im not paying 10 bucks for a movie off of itunes.


your crabby wop.

dvdfab can rip the movie to iphone size.

so its just a size thing?, the iphone doesnt use a different format?

Iphone will want it in a quicktime format, which dvdfab will do.

Not sure what other formats the iphone can play, but I know it won’t play wmv’s.

any mac programs?

i wonder if i can get a HD movie on there somehow

i can get any mac program, but why

I’m asking if you know of any mac programs to shrink/convert the files.

no idea, not a mac guy, but if u find one i can get it for you

Why? It’s a 4" screen, you’re not going to see the difference between HD and SD.

if its like all the ipods it just needs an mp4 format.
total video converter will do it.

yeah its not QT, its mp4

AVS works great! It can convert to any kind of formats.

cool thanks.

yea i was going to say QT is not what it takes

There is a very specific format the iPhone / iPod Touch requires, I believe it is H.234 and most resolutions will work. But if you can get it into iTunes, you can right click on it and select the option for iTunes to convert it for you.

And on OS X, VisualHub is best for media encoding and it has a specific option for direct to iPhone video conversions.

Xilisoft Video Converter :tup:

iSquint, which I think was either the same thing as or similar to VisualHub. The developer has stopped selling and supporting it and has opened and released the source:

You can search around for a pre-compiled bundle or I can just put it up online.

Edit: Here http://omghi.net/iSquint.app.tar.gz

by the time you figure this out you will have been able to watch the movie 9 times. just fall asleep! or order cocktails…and fall asleep!