My iPhone4 just stopped receiving push email from my work exchange server the other day.
The phone is jailbroken, but I haven’t made any changes or updates since this happened. When I open the mail it will check and download (manual fetch). I used push checker and everything is functioning fine. I checked the settings and don’t see anything odd. I deleted the mail account and reloaded it and it didn’t fix it.
Any ideas?
Oh, and with my last hard reset, folder enhancer seems to have exploded and stopped functioning…wtf
Sounds like normal iPhone stuff to me. Is the server a 2003, 2007, or 2010? In AD some users apparently need a box checked under their security settings to Inherit the parent permissions.
Confirmed with coworkers it appears to be happening to everyone (iPhone and non iPhone). That’s good. Although annoying that in trying to fix it, I managed to destroy folder enhancer…grrr
It sometimes happens to our Exchange servers here every couple of months. Try to remove the exchange account from your phone and readd it to force the connection to recycle.
They did. Although they swear they didn’t do anything. My assumption is the same normal tard fat bitch that handles our shit probably fucked something up and didn’t want to own up to it.
Its not magic bitch.
Anyway, problem solved…well, not my random reset to no folders…grr