ipod/ibook transfer help needed

first, i don’t care about why you think i should get windows.

about a year ago, my ibook broke. due to financial reasons, it is finally being replaced tonight. i know i can transfer the hard drive from the old one to the new one with a firewire cable, but i don’t really care about the HD on the old ibook. i’d like to get the MP3’s though as there was a decent collection of music. i have all the music on my ipod. i would like to be able to transfer the songs off of there onto my new ibook. the old one being able to boot up is questionable at best. i realize itunes in untouched format will not let you do this, but i would like to find a way around it. anyone have any idea how to do this?

i found a program called sharetunes. near as i can tell, that’s for windows only. basically i’m looking for the same thing, but for mac. i know itunes will let you reverse sync if you bought the songs from itunes…but none of these were purchased…at all.

search nyspeed for the ipod question… it was discussed here before.

also, besides the firewire option (better be firewire 800 cus firewire 400 is slower than usb2.0, i would just use that) you can just put both laptops on the same network and transfer your mp3s that wai


again, the ability to power on the old one is hit or miss. most likely…miss. putting it on a network is out of the question as the screen is shot. i actually just found something on macupdate that might work. i’ll try that tonight. thanks for your advice locutus.

also, last resort option is to send me the laptop… ill get your files off and send them to you.

isnt there software you can download that lets you transfer songs from the ipod to a computer?

locutus, thanks. i’ll keep that in mind if i think there is something of importance on there that i need.

i have found a couple of programs that should do the trick though. thanks all.

adam you working today?

nah, im working tomorrow through monday i think tho. im sure ill prolly see ya one of those days

dan you can use a program called ‘senuti’ to take the music off your ipod and upload it onto your new mac.


like you said there are a bunch of programs, i just found this one to be easier to use.

yeah :snky: is right.

snky nothing. i was only messing with you to entertain myself this morning. <3

thanks kait <3

dude just get a pc.

that’s a great idea and would definitely solve the question in the original post. thanks for your help dos. good contribution :tup:


no problem guys, glad i can covert.