
This was a street in puerto rico after it hit there

I thought that had to be fake then I saw this:

Which confirms that it’s fake. Still worth the lolZ.

Yea who knows, thought it was funny though haha

Hmm… could get interesting.

Yup reading pwns me.

might wanna call and make sure that condo is still there lol

sidenote, got a call from my squad leader to be on standby bc we might be activating a bunch of soldiers to respond to the hurricane for damage and shit…this should be fun

There was a report of a shark in a flooded mall at one point I heard on shark week.

My boss is on a cruise somewhere out in that direction…:rofl


Sounds like it is going to be a party…:rofl

The earthquake let me down ridding this country of New Jersey, let’s see if Irene can pick up the slack.

Actually, according to this map, i’d be at a higher risk here then I will be in SC.

Fuck hurricanes.
I doubt it will amount to much by the time it gets here.

Nothing is white on that map.

No care :rofl

heard this bitch Irene is comming to blow everybody this weekend

I think pre-mature evacuation is already under way…:crackup

expect it to be percipitating loads

Accuweather says light rain :rofl.

i was trying to keep the metaphor/innuendo going damn it!