
i know right…everytime we’re supposed to get a nasty storm it fizzles out to nothing…now if we were supposed to be sunny and 80, hold your assses b/c we’re about to get one fuck of a storm

Swiming at the valley sunday. Calling out jdaniels and drew and sbardy. Bring all the swimmies you got.

Can they run on the bottle runnning a dry shot through a respirator nozzle? Also are flippers aloud or is that frowned upon like running slicks at a test and tune?

:rofl wow

moving into the bx on saturday, gonna watch the storm from the 13th floor on sunday. cant wait :lol

Wow… awesome story.

glad you enjoyed it

Hopefully you get face fucked by Irene.

i heard that bitch is taller than kramer

your done. I will bring my scuba gear.

Don’t quote me… but I don’t think scuba gear is built for speed.

ehh you can haul ass pretty good with the big ass flippers and shit on.

Yes they are evacuating southern coast of jersey by 8am tomorrow. We are packing up and heading home from wildwood tonight to beat the traffic

With any luck, the entire Jersey Shore cast will be eradicated.

is it bad thats all i thought of when i heard it would be hitting close to us? haha

Saying 9 inchs of rain for the nyc area.

Irenes gonna give 9" you say?


No dodging this one.