

If I die, you can have my ps3.


He gets that. I get the jeep.

Love, death.


If you die, I get your girl.



Fuckkkkkkkk u . I’ll be tearing that skinny ass up wit my fat ass . Or even that chick ya had in l.g deathol

I want to see him do a Family Guy commercial for Outblack Steakhouse.

seriously jills is light as fuck… Whens the last time you were dt anyway… Ask around kid shits pale as me

Envys where its at.


In his defense, the last time I was there it was darker than Henry Johnson Blvd… obviously this was a long time ago.

Saratoga is still better. Not many of ‘them’ live there, unlike Albany.

I was in Saratoga for a bit tonight and there were a few of ‘them’ there but they were the type that might as well have been white because they acted civilized and didnt dress like gangbangers.

I believe the ninjas go in hiding during track season. They prefer betting on dominoes or dog fights.

should come down to downtown nashville if your that scared of going out where black people are. some guy was walking down the street yelling white power tonight :lol

Yayyyy 6am… checking my ambulance and being out the door in 10 minutes I’m sure…

Wow so its official, a Category 1 will hit NYC, that’s some historical shit right there.

Just Rain and some wind. When is the bad shit supposed to hit?

Between 1pm-5pm. Storm is still in NJ making its way to Jersey Shore (WAHOO!!!)

Highest gusts so far were 41mph. This is just the outskirts of the hurricane.

NY is flooding before the 'cane even hit it.

Just saw some reporter run and scream like a little girl when the wave crested over on CNN :rofl

Im not scared of them but the ghetto trash annoys the fuck out of me. If they would act like civilized human beings it would be ok but instead they have to act like a bunch of wild animals.

Id love to go to Nashville. I love country music so it would definately be a good place to go when Ive got money.

My parents went last year and told me I need to go someday.