
She’s been downgraded to a tropical storm and is starting to break up.

We’re right in the thick of it now, and it’s like…light rains with some gusts here and there. :rofl

fuck this, I’m driving to an asian massage parlor right now with bags of rice


i mean, ill miss you…


bitch ass hurricane. Other than some leaves, twigs and small branches on the ground and some water its not a big deal.

Nothing a few sunny days and a lawnmower cant take care of.

The rain really lightened up and theres hardly any wind now.

PJB you scared Irene away

well it is a woman, right?



Just negged alex again.

We need to get his ass in the Red!

That’s the plan. We need help.

He negged me back that russian bastard

Here’s some pics for those that think it was a “joke”

irene was such a joke


congrats. You just posted the same link paul walker did.

holy SHIT I am retarded. I clicked the link in his post, and after looking thought “That’s crazy, I should put it on shift!” :Idiots

Hudson swallowed parts of Troy:

Yea was at browns last night watched them move all the boats…