Irony in some people stupidity

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) – A man who claimed that he was attempting suicide when he triggered a 2005 rail disaster was convicted Thursday of 11 counts of first-degree murder and could face the death penalty.

1 of 2 Two commuter trains collided into a tangled mass of smoking wreckage littered with victims after Juan Alvarez left a gasoline-drenched sport-utility vehicle on railroad tracks in Glendale, northeast of downtown Los Angeles.

the man attempts to commit suicide only to fail and is then going to be sentenced to death…wow.

Its unfortunate he wasn’t smart enough to slit his wrists in a tub like a good emo and save some major cleanup. Not to mention the innocent lives. It will be good riddance when they put him out of his misery.

Cost of a bullet: $.40
Taxpayer cost of death row inmate 5 year stay and execution: $100,000

I think peoples’ tax dollars could be better spent.

Cost of slitting his own wrists: FREE

I agree that death row is a terrible waste of money. It could be done with much more efficiency. But if he is not smart enough to kill himself, its up to someone else to do it. But the ‘legal’ way costs money…

it’s definitely a waste of money, but let’s say you were wrongly convicted of a crime and given the death penalty. 2 hours later, someone shoots you in the head rather than putting you on death row for five years and 2 years later, you’re cleared due to dna evidence.

the better punishment would be to sentence him to live in prison/ clearly he wants the death penalty so it would be more of a punishment to make him live out his life

obviously his life sucked. make him be married to his wife for life. that would be a punishment in my book

OMG…thats awsome!..justice served…lol…he could have just drown himself…to funny

hopefully He will kill himself in prison, that would save everyone the trouble