anyone listen to that crap about no death penalty

what a bunch of BS. sorry tookie(what a stupid nickname) deserved to die like 99.9% of all death row inmates…cry me a river

amen! I think someone mentioned it in the state trooper death thread, these guys get years to live in relative comfort, i.e. bed, cable, gym. While I don’t really like anyone dying, they really need to kill more of these guys, and quicker. Yeah, he wrote some books and seemed like he changed his life. Well guess what, he changed the lives of a bunch of people when he killed them…

well i don’t believe in the death penalty, but 1 paper reported that as soon as he died someone screamed out, “they killed an innocent man” <-- now that comment I don’t agree with…

how could you not agree with the death penalty? i dn’t get it… they should all die and be burned and used for heat in the prisons … oh and fuel conservation :wink:

^ Rofl!

What is the point of naming “death row” death row? I think every inmate on “death row” should be put to death. Kill them all.

wheather tookie killed the people in question don’t really matter cause u gotta live under a rock to think the co founder of the crips didn’t kill many people in his lifetime. i think leathal injection was the easy way out for that fucker. rest in piss

why feed criminals they get treated better than soldiers serving overseas

Fry their asses. I totally agree he shoulda been fried…like x890348539045309458 for all the other innocent lives that were taken by crips! His soul should burn in hell for all of those people that were killed by crip gang activities!

no that’s what hippie activist with no job were shouting. mind you these same ppl would lock their doors in their prius if the drive thru guy at mcDs was black.

He was condemned in 1981 for gunning down convenience store clerk Albert Owens, 26, at a 7-Eleven in Whittier and killing Yen-I Yang, 76, Tsai-Shai Chen Yang, 63, and the couple’s daughter Yu-Chin Yang Lin, 43, at the Los Angeles motel they owned. Williams claimed he was innocent…

Schwarzenegger also pointed out the brutality of the crimes, noting that Williams allegedly said about one of the killings, “You should have heard the way he sounded when I shot him.” According to the governor’s account, Williams then made a growling noise and laughed for five to six minutes

fuckin pussy. sure you repented, now pay the fuckin piper tough guy. PLUS… this is CA… do you know how fuckin guilty you have to be to be convicted in CA. shit, OJ cut a womans head off and was let free :doh:

actually it wasn’t as soon as he died it was as his supporters left the observation chamber and three yelled it at the same time.

How can you not believe in the death penalty. It has been used since the romans and we do it now so they don’t feel anything. I say hang em or behead them in public. you want killers to think twice that is how you do it.

LMAO @ pay the fuckin piper tough guy. thats good shit. OJ comment :rofl:

no those were his witnesses that yelled that but yeah you have to be pretty guilty to get convicted there. it is just sad it took 26 years. what ever happened to you are convicted in court walked outside and hung within 5 minutes

I am so tired of the ACLU and Jesse Jackson

the greatest thing that could happen to hard workin good standn black americans is for jesse jackson to have a heart attack on stage and die. i’m sure someone will say he was poisoned. he’s holding blacks n whites back. the guy is so outta touch with what blacks really want. he only appeals to the low income people that he can get all pumped up and can easily be swayed, without them he is powerless… he’s a nobody that made himself for being absolutely nothing of importance.

26 years. the guy was convicted before i was born. the court system, the way it is, is such a waste of money on pieces of crap like him.

I’m fine with the idea of a death penalty, but I think lethal injection is fucked up. I’m fine with a firing squad.

Also, it does suck that death row inmates live in prison for so long before they are executed BUT the good side is that some innocent men get released because of advances in forensics in the time they are in prison. I’m sure it’s a tiny number, but it’s still a possibility.

as for tookie williams? nothing he did in prison matters compared to the things he did to be put in there. if he stopped a prison riot bare handed, or saved a guard’s life or something, i could be fine with life without parole, but he was fucking trash.

ACLU is a great organization. But I agree this guy deserved to die. If you cant to the time, dont do the crime.

I think that the death penalty is a good idea now that we have DNA and other forensics that can without a doubt show guilt. Its kinda scary that we were putting people to death on less that concrete evidence for the last however many years though. Its undoubtable that innocent people have been put to death, and thats pretty fucked up.

yeah the ACLU is great…idiot

so if romans believed the world is flat I should too? Just because a majority of people in the history books believed something doesn’t mean I will also.

I believe that it’s God’s decision to end a life not ours. I have had family members killed by a drunk driver so some may argue that I should also want that drunk driver to die, but I don’t believe in an eye for an eye. “everything happens for a reason” right? So maybe that was their time to die, I don’t know. It’s sad and it was hard to get through, but thats life.

I also don’t go as far as to let someone walk free who has been proven guilty. I don’t have the answer and I don’t claim to, I just don’t believe in taking a person’s life just because he/she took another’s.