Texas Inmate Pulls Out Eye, Eats It

Wtf :rant:

:rofl: retard

no longer is an execution date?

huge dumbass

or partial genius

1 bullet is the easiest solution here.


why, he ripped his other eye out before, he cant see now. I think thats pretty decent punishment lol.

I like how he ripped his other eye out and they still said he was competent enough to stand trial.

Because he is obviously not right. He is a waste to society and is (was) already sentenced to death. Speed things up a bit and be more efficient.

Click. Boom. Done.

^^^^ Why even bother? It’s simpler to spend some tax dollars to keep him alive and incarcerated for life. :doh:

that had to hurt pretty damn bad.

but yea, high tree limb and a short rope. Bullets will get to expensive, you can reuse the rope and tree. :smiley:

wtf lol

So, they’re continuing to bother with medical care, food, water…why, exactly?


i wonder if thats considered low carb or low fat hmmmm

Maybe both? Delicious and Nutricious.

The man is appearently deranged why prolong his own suffering at cost to the taxpayer.however where do you draw the line.

Eye fail to see a problem with this.

Eye eye, captain.

Guess the will learn to keep an Eye on him?

Om nom nom

Dom nom nom?