What would your last meal be?

I guess this guy was really hungry

Sick fuck should be fried by now anyways.

My thoughts exactly. He is doing that shit on purpose to try to get an insane defense.

He ripped out the hearts of 3 people (one baby)… i think he is insane

lol yeah I can see rocking back and forth a lot or speaking in tongues to convince people that you’re insane, but eating your own eye seems pretty legit.

My rather cold hearted philosophy has always been “Why the fuck is insanity an argument AGAINST the death penalty?”

I don’t understand how you could defend someone in court knowing they ripped the hearts out of their family and eat their own eyeball. Being a new laywer and getting shit cases like that must really blow

Now would be a great time to mention that inmates in medical / mental institutions cost even more.

NY: http://www.nicic.org/features/statestats/?State=NY#6

Cost Per Inmate (2001)
New York ------ National Avg.
$36,835 ----- $24,052

Texas BTW is / was $13,808

God damn thats sick. He should still be executed for killing those people no matter what his “defense” Thats awful.


Hey now, someone that does that shit it has obvious mental defects, meaning it wasn’t his fault, he was born that way. Who knows with proper treatment at a mental ward he could possibly…maybe…become a… contributing member of…oh fuck it even I don’t believe that shit, fry the bastard.

You mean, like, ban him from life? :fry:

I think ripping out your own eye and eating it is BEYOND mental illness.

Fuck I cry when I get poked in the eye.


with an assult rifle.

bad ass

some sour cream and onion chips with some dip, man, some beef jerky, some peanut butter. Get some Häagen-Dazs ice cream bars, a whole lot, make sure chocolate, gotta have chocolate, man. Some popcorn, red popcorn, graham crackers, graham crackers with marshmallows, the little marshmallows and little chocolate bars and we can make s’mores, man. Also, celery, grape jelly, Cap’n Crunch with the little Crunch berries, pizzas. We need two big pizzas, man, everything on 'em, with water, whole lotta water, and Funyons.

lol. Thank you for being the only one who either got, or found my joke amusing.