you guys did more than most.
some only do it ot check cylinder pressure.
there is a VERY slim chance you actually did it for about 10hrs for every engine.
engine manufacturers build tens or hundreds of thousands of engines a year.
this works into the millions and billions of hours of run time.
this as we can see will never happen.
just think of the storage and the lead time before they can be installed in the #'s needed for a production cycle.
this is why the parts are spec’d by “knowlegable people”
and as we can see by the 2.5Q engine for the altima’s and the sentra specv’s etc
oil consumtion woul’d have been caught very early and fixed before the engines made it to the assembly floor. let alone cars making it to the dealer.
engines are made and remade to very close tolerances these days as I am sure you know…BUT
there will never be a way to build an engine close enough that it is even “almost” or “mostly” broken in.
but they are made well enough to NOT have an opportunity at Major failure.
or damage in their lifetime.
Merceded and Rolls royce and Ferrari and Porsche and the like are the only manufacturers using the U.O.O system of manufature.
when the crank (cam etc) is size checked after machining.
it is then sent to crack check.
if it is under sized its sprayed with RED crack check
if it is over it is sprayed with blue
if it is dead on it is sprayed with green or another colour…this is only an example.
either way after crack check it goes into a bin that holds ONLY that colour.
then as the engine comes down the line…the bearings or other mating surfaces have been put through the same process just colour inverted.
(RED means oversize)
so then the dopes on the line just match the blue to blue and red to red etc.
this triples the price of the motor but massively increases reliability and or power capacity.
Ferrari doesn’t make a cam, find it on the small side of spec and just put it in the next motor…they wait for an oversized bearing or undersize hole.
I know these terms are usually kept for OUT of spec parts.
but when used in the UOO process garbage parts are called garbage or “rework” and not used until reworked or recycled.
we get parts that were only “within spec” and so some of us got the big cam in the little hole or the little cam in the big hole…this is why there are such performance and reliability differences between 2 350z’s #199999 and #200000.
ford GM Chrysler hyundai etc etc. allow a larger variance. thats why they are all POS’s.
UOO is a part of blueprinting but not all of it.
it is also often called “machine matched”.
this is the difference between them and US
and why north amerca cant make a toaster that doesn’t leak oil.
its called pride in workmanship…and guys in design school who are there for the paycheck they heard automotive designers can get…not because they care about cars.
i’v met a few who couldn’t even change the brakes on something they didn’t design…let alone be willing to get dirty in the process.
its like having a little 100lb woman as a fire fighter.
can she lift my 240lb ass?
should she run into the fire?
but I’m sure she can do a-lot of other things.
these guys should’nt design toilet paper cause they don’t give a shit about our money / reputation or workethic going down the tubes.
really who can care about what they build when they see that its a POS from day 1, Sheet 1