Oil Changes.

So I’m aware that you’re supposed to get oil changes every 3,000 miles, or every 3 months, whichever comes first.

My car’s odometer didn’t work, so I would just stick with the 3 month thing, and now that I have a winter beater, I realized that I put 1000+ miles A WEEK. I didn’t realize that I drove that much.

So here’s my question, is it absolutely necessary to get an oil change every 3,000 miles? That’d be every 3 weeks. And that could get annoying.

Tell me if I should do this or not? I know it’s recommended, but could I push it a little without damaging anything? I’m worried about fucking shit up.

If you do mostly highway driving, which you probably do, you can extend it up to 5K or 6K. Just make sure you use a good quality oil and filter.

Make sure you check your oil level frequently to make sure you don’t run low.

3000-5000 miles.

There are some oils now on the market that claim you can go for about 15000 miles. You might want to try switching to one of those oils.

I’d say 5000-6000 is safe with a good quality oil if you’re doing mostly highway driving. Regardless of what some oil claims, I would not be trusting it to 15k. Oil is cheap when you compare it to engine rebuilds.

And what the hell do you do that you’re driving 1000 miles a week? :eek:

Maybe her boyfriend lives 100 miles away? Drive back and forth everynight… I could see it happening :shrug:

If i was you i’d start goin for synthetic oil so you can SAFELY go 5-6 k… i wouldnt recomend much more then that

The problem with the 15k oil is that it keeps the sludge and particles in your engine for a long time. Oil suspends particles that are too small for the filter to pick up. When you change your oil you get rid of any sludge and the particles suspended in the oil. The 15k oil has additives that won’t break down for 15k but that does not help with the paricles.

Whats an oil change?

She said 1000+. That’s over 52k a year. Even at 25mpg that’s over $6200 a year in gas @ $3 a gallon.

He better be buying her gas if that’s the case :wink:

Changing at 5k will be just fine. Synthetic oils will break down slower but depending on the engine it’s not necessary.

The 15k oils are useless, sure they won’t breakdown. However as said above, particle of metal are still there. Plus if the filter clogs for any reason your engine can say hello to a ton of metal. On the plus side, it will do a nice job in weight reduction on the wallet. And weight reduction is the best performance mod ever. :tup:

I go every 10k on the diesel. Once a year on the Audi. (I don’t drive it more than 8k a year, if that.)

Both cars get Amsoil full synthetic 5w40 and oem filters.

:rofl: thats a good one, but really at most id say 5k on a change its either pay now or really pay later

well put

dino oil will go 5000 miles with out problem. 3000 mile oil changes are pushed by the oil industry. Problem with 15K oil is there isn’t a 15k filter out.5000 in a filter is pushing it.

Negative to the highway driving. It’s usually not. Negative to the boyfriend thing too. But… he did live 35 miles away. Now that he’s back with his ex I might be driving a lot less. I got dissed. :frowning:

Might as well just stick with getting oil changes regularly.

Thanks guys.

buy elf oil and change every 7500 miles :slight_smile: