Mobil Oilquestion

ya know that mobil 5000, 7500 and extended performance oils. do u honestly think u could go 5000, and or 7500 miles between oil changes or should one just stick to traditional oil change intervals. i might use the 5000 or 7500 on the svx if itll work :slight_smile:

there is no reason you wouldn’t be able to. Assuming you do not have any existing engine damage that would pollute the oil at an abnormal rate.

I know a guy that went 90k on the factory oil… adding on occasion.

My question is, if your oil is dirty at 3000 miles, what makes this oil stay clean longer?? I don’t know if I really buy that.


Detergents have been added to oil for a long time. I bet the detergent in these is just better than what I used to put in my push mower.

Detergents in oil scare me though. I have see some gunk build up in motors that I attribute to those detergents. Another reason I don’t use Mobil gas.
Maybe its an unfounded fear but still one that I have.

“Synthetic oil contains fewer impurities impurities that can cause your engine harm, perhaps to the point of premature engine wear. With conventional oil, there’s no way to totally rid, filter or clean the impurities from the natural elements. That’s another reason why synthetic oils do not have to be changed as much even in extreme driving conditions.”
Stolen from some guy on the web…

13X,XXX miles, 4 oil changes and 2 filter changes sence Ive owned the car (bought it with 60,XXX miles on the clock) still running strong 1992 1.9 DOHC saturn SL2. Ive putt roughly 70,000 miles on it, comes out to 17,500 miles for every oil change (reminder that the oil changes I did do where at the early beginning of owning the car). Cheap gas station no name oil was always used. I follow my own rules when it comes down to oil changes, I do it when i feel like it.

Now my GTP I always try to it change between 3000-4000 miles

I know two guys with Monte Carlos with the 3.1s that add on occasion, but do not change the oil. No problems yet, although I keep telling them its in their investments best interest to change it. :frowning:

umm, check your owner’s manual. A lot of cars can go a lot longer between oil changes then the 3month/3k miles that everyone preaches. The manual in the sunfire says to change it every 7k miles if doing mostly highway driving, so i do it every 6k miles.

i change it at 3k, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less depending on the oil condition on the dipstick.

The advantage of changing it every 3k is to inspect the oil and filter after it is out of the car. The oil in your car is the life blood… if something serious is wrong with it, the oil will tell the tale. Cut apart your filter and you might be surprised what you find…

It’s not the oil being dirty, it’s the oil breaking down. Synthetic oil doesn’t stay “cleaner” than dino oil, it just resists break down and is able to protect your engine longer. If you really want to know how long you can go, get an oil analysis done at your next oil change iirc

^ What he said. The dirt is not the biggest concern compared to the break down in the viscosity and wear protectants in the oil. Synthetic resists break down much better.

3k mile intervals is really uncessary for new cars in good tune. Most owners manuals reccomend 7.5k, I personally use 5k miles on Synthetic in mine, mainly because its easy to remember when to do the changes (everytime the ODO hits a 0 or 5 :slight_smile: )

There was a website where they did a test on a '98 Z28 with an LS1 using Mobil 1, and they had the oil analyzed on a frequent basis. They did not see any signifcant break down in the oil, or increase in wear from the engine til it hit over 14k miles or so, and it still wasn’t bad. They determined by 17k miles it was time to change.

Yeah you can probably go that long with using synthetic oils between oil changes but you invest so much $ into your car why skimp out on $20 every 3 months?