is anyone actually dumb enough to click this?

dont lie… u were thinkin about it

Yes, yes people are dumb enough to click that. Many many people are dumb enough to click that. Picture what you think average intelligence is, then multiply by 0.1. If you even get what I mean in less than 5 seconds you are well above average.

Link plz?!

:word: I’ve been clicking for 5 minutes. Nothing?

Link is broken… Where do I click?

EDIT _ Dammit FRY!


just steer on over to, put some food on your table and clothes on your 4 illegitimate children all sired by different fathers

How do I get all those funky desktop icons?!?!?

its called “windows new wave” trying to capture the spirit of the 1980s

ummmm im going to go with probably 90% of the people that call us up would click on it!

You work help desk?

The puzzle is starting to make sense!!

that site only claims 38,199 fans now…

:tdown: to using AutoCadd 06

i can haz copy of cad?


prtty pls?

So, link to the REAL 2009 government grants for “white people”? That link is so racist… I feel oppressed now.

find a torrent for it…


I upgraded myself to 09… never opened it once yet.

mmm. fine. Ill download torrent onto my laptop and actually try to use it this time

09 really sucks, like bad, they made the GUI to be like vista…