I cant see how people can drink pop everyday and go eat fast food all the time, Its really not that hard to just make your own meals, everyone I used to work with would eat out and I would always bring my own lunch(I was the healthiest one there besides my cousin who is a fitness freak) I haven’t had pop in over 4 years now and haven’t been to a fast food place in as long as I can remember, I think it is really just based on how you are brought up my mom was in aerobics and my dad was always about working out.
Obesity is about as contagious as alcoholism and drug addiction. You try the shit your friends are doing.
If you consider obesity a shitty food addiction, then the only real conclusion is that you try the shit your friends are doing, and that makes it easier to get addicted to it.
I think most are right, we as Americans overeat, spend too much time in front of a computer, too little time in the outdoors, ect.
But I can also say, that as a fat guy looking for a way out, I really dont eat as much as any one in my family, my 13 year old included. I hunt, on foot, not a quad like many now a days. I split wood by hand, no powered log spliters here. I walk over a mile every day at work. And yet I’m still fat.:crying:
So I have taken the easy way out. Or at least that is what most people call it. I got the bypass done last week. I can tell you first hand, it’s anything but easy. But then thats just my opinion.
I didn’t real the whole thread but go exercise, go run, do something and have some self control and eat healthier.
hang out with smaller people your still considered fat.
Lose / lose argument :rolleyes:
If thats true then it should be true the other way around…The fat people who hang out around skinny people should become skinny…
You all just need to start hanging around with me to catch my skinniness!
this is coming from a fatass me,
a its not a disease its called being lazy
b thats the most retarded thing i ever read
Jeff can I come hang out…
being fat is heridity, being over weight is the way you eat, exercise. think there is a difference between the two.