Is Honda the only company that can make $?

Looks like Nissan is going to post a loss too. I thought I read somewhere else that Toyota can expect a loss some time in 09 and we all know about Detroit (St.) and their woes.

So because of the civic looks like Honda is the only company that can make money these days. :tup:

Knowing someone who works for Honda, they aren’t doing that well either. They forced everyone to take all of their vacation last year (instead of just paying out the balance or letting them carry it over) and they are starting to have people “sweep the buildings” for areas of “waste”. Meaning, is there anything they can identify to put into asset recovery or an area they can make more efficient. Kind of busy work, kind of like saving pennies. These are engineers doing this too, not some janitor or tech.

BUT, they are still doing better than most…

Hard times for everyone. Honda will weather the storm better than most but it doesn’t mean they are not streamlining operations.

You have such a boner for honda it is disgusting.

I will probably never buy an american car or truck brand new. If they raise gas prices I will boycot thier brand like the plauge.

Go honda, all thier 09 line up of cars looks decent to me, unlike thier american competitors.

My uncle had been a service writer at a Honda/Acura dealer in Cali since the early '80s, and even he is worried about his job. It’s bad all around.

LOL Honda will be posting a loss very shortly.

yup ^

those not affected probably will be soon enough

i get a honda boner when i hit vtec yo

New custom title - Honda Boners.

Hey mang, VTEC is no joke. :tup:

I bet they are hoping for high gas prices:

The Civic had 53,299 May sales compared to 17,690 November sales.

GO honda!!

Who cares about Honda?

Honda’s the best, I am looking forward to getting into another one soon.

Lol :stuck_out_tongue:

too bad every car you buy is 13 years old, I guess you can experience the thrill of an 09 honda in 2022

When you compare that to what the big 3 are putting out, it’s very impressive :mamoru: