Is it just me...or do cars keep getting larger?

I don’t know if this is just me or what, but a minute or two ago, I was looking at an earlier post when someone posted the new Camry. The thing is just simply large. It is the same with the new Accords, etc. Why are they getting so large? And large looking for that matter? I have to give some manufacturers credit for keeping the weight relatively low despite the size of their vehicles.

two words:

American Market.

Large cars > all.

I see it too…it’s a retro thing inspired from cars of the early 70’s. Wait another 10 years or so for them to come down in size a bit:)

americans are fat, they nbeed bigger cars… though I see more and more fat people in cars smaller than they are… like GEOs

Jack, they still make a FAT brand. They call it Saturn.

I see that a lot too. It really is chuckle-worthy.

botardtim, is that a bmw odometer (sp. check) in your avatar?

But of course it is. And my BMW is certainly smaller than some new cars today, so I’m in a position to complain. :slight_smile:

American Market…SUVs, Biggie Seize Meals, etc…every thing has to be bigger

people in america are so excessive is disgusting…For example driven on the road all you see is SUVs that are blocking your view.

Rofl I was thinking that when I pulled into a parking spot next to a town car. And noticed my back bumper reached the front of his back door. :rofl:

He’s a BMW whore. :slight_smile:

And the new Accord is not only longer and wider than my car, it is also much taller.

I don’t know, even with 3 people and 2 baby seats I never said “gosh, I wish I had an extra 3 feet on the back of this car.”