ok, i’m interviewing this week for a fairly professional job which is in Hamburg. this job would require me to work monday-froday 1-5. in making my schedule (well, actually, changing some stuff around a bit) for school, i HAVE to take a class that the only time i can get into it is MWF from 12-12:50. it’s a lecture class, and i have no problem bailing 15 min early everyday (i’ve taken this class b4, my advisor suggested to me that i take it again to better my grade and its a long story dont ask) so figure it will take me 5 min to walk out of class and to my car, and that would give me 20 min to drive from UB North to Hamburg. do you think this can be done? i have nop problem doing 10 mph or so over the speed limmit but i dont want to have to do 95 the whole way to make it. do you think this is possible?
That would be tough, if not impossible to do without excessive speeding. Even then I would doubt it. If you are interviewing for a job call them first thing in the morning to let them know the situation, and ask if it can be rescheduled to give you a bit more time.
Being late to an interview is a sure fire way not to get a job. And killing your self trying to do so will guarantee it.
well its not for the interview, IF i got the job that means i would have to be at WORK everyday by 1.
i don’t see that working bro
and there’s a LOT of cops along that stretch, typically
EDIT: i’d say get a V1, but… meh, madd risky
do they offer the class in spring? it sounds like something’s gonna have to give
god damn, i do NOT miss the scheduling bullshit involved with college :tdown:
best of luck mike :tup:
I definitely don’t see it happening. Just because you know you can speed there, doesn’t mean that there won’t be traffic, accidents, etc. Also, why put that stress of having to haul @$$ to work all those times? I wouldn’t like that.
Nope, not gonna work.
it’s doable but there’s no way it’s going to happen every time, you’re going to be late… a lot
Every job I’ve had that was scheduled from x to xx meant I had to be ready to work at x, not arriving then. It’s going to take you 5min to park, get in the building, hang your shit up, and get started. So now you’re down to a 10min ride from UB to work. Is it possible to ask to start at 1:15 MWF? That way you don’t commit to 1, and be late every other day. Plus you won’t be super stressed trying to bail on a class madd early, just to jog to the truck, and race to work.
reschedule work to 1:30 on class days. problem solved, no speeding necessary.
that’s something worth a shot. might not work, but if you lay out the situation, the world may not disintegrate if you start work a bit later. it’ll show that you Really want it, you’re willing to brainstorm ideas (even if unworkable) and you’ve actually got the balls to present those ideas to a new employer. shit, i’d hire you :tup:
try it man. you’ve got nothing to lose, it sounds like
I live right next to UN north and worked at Hamburg Middle. It takes about 30 min on average. 40-45 when the weather sucked.