Is Sleep Really Necessary

ur body needs REM sleep, and i love to dream!

this is why I want an isolation tank


i wanna go to the one in toronto!

I want one too. What’s the deal in Toronto? Website?

ya…whats the deal on that?

When I used to not work between semesters I would do a cycle similar to the 28 day cycle ( and it worked pretty well. I would fall asleep instantly and wake up pretty refreshed. These types of cycles only really work for students though.

I wanna go so bad!

no one ever found out about the one potentially in roc?

Actually how much you sleep comes from your diet the more complex carbs you eat and turn into 5-htp then melatonin and dopamine, when the sun goes down the melatonin tells you its time to sleep thats why you get tired at night and feel refreshed in the sunlight. Well that applys to most people i read up on this cuz my sleep patterns have allways been ass backwards i can not sleep when its dark and as soon as sun comes out i cant keep my eyes open i hate the sun, i dont know what the fucks wrong with me thought i was a vampire or something.

I have not gone to sleep at night and slept all the way through till morning without waking up at least 5-6 times in ohhh…12 years or so. I have a VERY hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep.

Not true. Actually when it gets dark your senses become super acute. Your sense of hearing increases dramatically, and due to a lack of normal vision, you’re eyes become super sensitive to movement. Its like how people who are blind have super acute hearing. When one of your senses goes down, the others get stronger becuase your brain does not have as much information as id did before about your surroundings.

Kramer tried this, it didnt work

I stayed up for approx a week before… but couldn’t have done it sober… without any ingested influence, I can’t even stay up for 2 days anymore.

and no I wasn’t on the ski slopes.

I probably average 4 hours of sleep during the week when I have to work. It sucks for the first 15 minutes your up but after that I feel like I would have if I would have gotten a “normal” 8

5 hours a night is what i do.

Despite the contrarian remarks I find it hard to believe a human can efficiently perform most of his survival tasks without the aide of ample light. People sleep at night because we have adapted to our environment in that respect. Diet, body-chemistry, and “super-human” senses do not provide explanation or repudiation for that behavior.

edit: However, I have read that sleep can be substituted (for a limited time) with massive intake of calories.

i watched a video on sleep deprevation (sp?) in psych class…there were a few different cases like the japanese people that go into the wilderness and stay awake for a week at a time and dont eat as well, they’re supposed to have like an “awakening” or something like that…those crazy bastards looked like they needed to be admitted to a hospital after 3 days…it was nuts! and then they had some guy on there that hadn’t slept in over 15 years because his brain was constantly “stuck” in “awake mode” and physically couldnt fall asleep…yeaaaah he died shortly after the video was made lol…crazy crazy shit!