is there a fat lady office in Bell Hall?

Because these fat ladies keep walking out of this one hall way. It’s hot. I don’t want to miss the gang bang.

No one told me about the meeting? FUCK.

i hate fat people.

i don’t even like talking to them.

Truth. I always feel so unimportant when talking to a fatty.

I’ll be talking about something really interesting and they’ll be looking at me like I’m a cheeseburg. And then I get really scared because I think I may have a piece of black pepper stuck to my tooth or something. Then I remember I’m talking to a fatty and everybody has black pepper stuck to their teeth in their world.

Actually, i guess this gives me the impression that they are interested in what I am talking about…

maybe i’m just the cheeseburg and they’re planning on having a piece of apple pie after?

edit: the entire apple pie

Maybe they eat all the paper that this hall wastes on print jobs?

are you in effing bell right now? I am on the far end, long hair, beard, dark blue long shirt/wind breaker thing…

blow me a kiss

oh god i’m scared to look now. i’m not going to. i’m going to make my escape at an opportune time and avoid eye contact with everybody.

edit: she just walked by about 3 minutes ago. well. waddled.


on the bright side.

if al qaeda ever decides to blow up UB we know that this hall is a safety zone.

edit: AND the fatties will die first, and we can eat their food stores. I bet this broad packs snickers with her staple remover.

just left UB a few minutes ago…i’ve heard about a fat lady office. i wanna know whats in there, because i’m sure theres some tasty little treats and i get hungry around this time every day

No. This is like an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark?

They bait little K Cuv’s in with sweet, delicious treats. Then they lock them into filing cabinets and feed them lamb and rice until they are plump and delicious.

its a good thing you said something…because i would have went…seriously

I think I saw you a few weeks ago.

But I’m not sure.

You were walking towards that loop business in front of Capen.

Anyway, I saw a fattie following you. I didn’t want to yell anything for fear she would see me and think that I would be more delicious.

Will you guys just stop talking shit already? :slight_smile:

Absolutely not.

I’m all for the Fat American Woman Association at UB

FAWUB–it has a nice sound.

Fah woob


i hate fat people.

i don’t even like talking to them.


your fat, do you hate talking to yourself?


i hate fat people.

i don’t even like talking to them.


i hate newmans.

i dont even like talking to them.

isn’t bell where the computer science offices are?