is this desktop worth it??

looks like a good deal and plenty of upgrade room… what you guys think??

What are you going to do with it? Just basic internet/word/excel/e-mail? It seems O.K.

Check out as well, for desktops that come with 22" monitors for a little more. :slight_smile:

i looked there but … i have a 20" lcd laying in the attic i don’t use so i have that part covered

and yes, ill prob just be doing the basics just like you said maybe some other stuff as I grow into it but nothing major at all really

i know it only has a 300 watt power supply that will have to be changed out to something a bit larger but other than that i think i would be good with it too

Not too bad, you can do better on price though.

Dell Outlet FTW. Esp when you can catch a 20% or so off coupon.
