Looking for a home office computer setup...

So here is my dilemma. Right now I have an HP laptop entertainment edition. My options are this:

  1. Use my existing laptop with an external monitor for a dual setup. My laptop has HDMI or VGA output. My thought was that I would use a 20" LCD/LED TV that could act as a TV for me if I don’t need the external display. This route will require me to upgrade my Microsoft Office software.

  2. Pickup a desktop computer and monitor and eventually add a 2nd monitor.

This computer will be used mostly for my side business so I must be able to use Excel, Word, etc… I won’t be gaming with it, but using it for daily activities too.

Soooo, anyone have any pointers here? What to look for, stay away from if I buy a new desktop? I saw a new Acer 21.5" Touch screen Smart 3D “computer” for $300. Looked good, but it runs android 4.0. Looks cool, but I don’t think it is for me.

Anyone have a desktop for sale?

Why would you need to upgrade software to run dual monitors? Should be configurable right through the video card settings.

I prefer desktops to laptops, but either solution will work. Really anything on this page (in your price range) will work http://www.techbargains.com/catsearch.cfm/0_12_0. Obviously these aren’t going to be top of the line, but they’ll handle excel, word, internet browsing, etc.

The upgrade wouldn’t be for the dual monitors, it would be for my works software. I never registered it, so I would need a key or to buy a newer version.

Damn, those are cheap? Maybe I just need to scoop up a used tower. Keep in mind this is for my business so obviously the less I spend the better off I will be.

Looks like a solid desktop, it’s open box, supports a max of 8GB of ram 1TB hard drive, i5 quad core processor:


What if I was to go the used route?

Like this one:

Obviously I need to get more info on it, but I feel like I am getting more for my money and I should be able to upgrade the ram right?

^ The fact that it came with 2GB of ram and a 500gb hard drive means it’s probably a pretty old/slow processor too. Probably enough to do Excel/Office though. Not sure what “Works” is.

Ask for the serial number and P/N of the desktop.

Sorry, I meant Microsoft Office. I have been using works and the spreadsheet because I never registered my Microsoft office. Basically, to get access to word, excel, powerpoint, you have to buy the Professional edition right? I think because my laptop was the entertainment edition, I didn’t get that option.

There is this one too, but I would still need a monitor:


I should also mention that I will be using it to edit some pictures. I have a new camera that I like to play with and my laptop is too slow for it right now.

Not familiar with BioStar boards as far as reputation, but I definitely wouldn’t run a Dynex PSU in my unit.

You can also use google docs/drive for Microsoft Office stuff.

Where’s LZ when I need him. Isn’t he the computer nerd of this forum?

probably updating flash and java :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahaha or trolling other forums arguing with people, just to argue.

How about this one?


Looks to be a decent setup. I just don’t know the specifics of the towers.

I’d slap a basic PC together before I bought someone else’s problems on craigslist.


You’d still have to buy Windows and a hard drive, unless you had something kicking around you could reuse. Know anyone who goes to UB? I got my single license Windows 7 Ultimate edition from a UB friend for $10. Win7 home premium is like $60 pretty much anywhere. I stopped running pirated OS’s a long time ago.

Office, either sack up and buy it or “get” it some other way. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Best bet if you’re not in a hurry is watch slickdeals.net for the next couple weeks and snag a dirt cheap desktop, probably with an OS.

Pretty much anything you buy $300-600 will do exactly what you want. You don’t need a super computer to run some basic excel sheets. I’m with JayS on the idea that I’d rather purchase/build a computer before buying anything used.

I guess I’m just looking at it from the perspective that I know very little about putting together a computer and if I can scoop one up for $150-200, it gives me a good base to start with vs. buying a basic one for $300 (including everything I need)

I mean, do these components go bad that quick that it is really worth it just to buy a new setup? Also, to be honest, I really don’t want to spend $300-600 for something that will only be used to process spreadsheets and occasionally surf the web. If that is what I would have to spend, I would just buy a 2nd monitor, buy some Office software and make use of my laptop.


Dual monitors FTW

I had dual 20s

I now use a 27 & and a 20 hooked to a desktop and another desk with my macbook :lol:

Now a days a 200-300 desktop is pretty powerful…Oh and don’t buy one of those all in 1 computers.

What do you mean by all in 1? Like the touch screen systems? I decided against that if so.

Think of it this way, which would be better for longevity…A new car or used car? A used computer may last you 10 minutes or 10 years, but used computer hardware can really take a beating especially if no maintenance (cleaning it out, stored in hot environments, smoker, etc) was done to it.

All-in-ones are the computer where everything is built-in together…the monitor, ram, MOBO, power supply…everything. Basically the cheaper versions of iMacs. Most new ones have touchscreens, which IMO is a waste of money. If I wanted fingerprints all over my screen and wanted to type without a keyboard, I’d get a tablet. All in ones are a no for me as well.

If you really want to buy used the first thing you need to do when you get it is pop in the Windows DVD, run setup, delete the partition and start from scratch. Then you’re not starting with someone’s malware and virus riddled POS that has every toolbar and “helper” app ever coded.

Just watch out buying PCs with Windows 8 if you want to run 7 its a bitch to find drivers for some hardware.

$279 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883256752

$209 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA2080P58421