Is this ethical/legal?

I was talking to a buddy of mine last night. He was kind of pissed about something that was going on at his work that I had never heard of. I’m not really sure what to make of it, so I’d like to hear your thoughts.

His company actively promotes and endorses a single charity. Whatever. Good for them. However, this is the odd part: They are tracking the donations of everyone in the company, including who doesn’t donate. :uhh:

Probably no big deal, just seems kind of sketchy. It’s like their trying to use political power to force donations. He was pretty pissed about it.

So what do you think? Is it cool for a company to keep a database of who has donated what to their charity and who hasn’t donated at all?

That’s shitty.

Is it the Human Fund?

donating to charity n such is free will and not something that’s expected right? soooo…that seems a bit shady

Shady as hell.

+1 for shady.

+1 for shady, thats just wrong trying to employ guilt as a means to get more donations

def shady, but justifiable in a cold sense. so long as they are not broadcasting the info to everyone.

could be for tax purposes
could be for recognition purposes
could be part of Skynet :eekdance:

What company is doing this?

I don’t want to divulge my buddy’s info.

I guess I would want to know what they are doing with the info. before I would label it a as a negative thing.

Yeah. I was trying to tell him it’s probably nothing. I guess it’s been going on for a few years without any negative consequences that he knew of. He just all bent out of shape about the idea of it.


Yeah. I was trying to tell him it’s probably nothing. I guess it’s been going on for a few years without any negative consequences that he knew of. He just all bent out of shape about the idea of it.


While I agree the idea wouldnt sit right with me either, if its just for pure accounting purposes or just pure information then I wouldnt lose too much sleep about it.

However if they made a big poster of your face and put it on picket boards and marched around the office saying “XXX Doesnt donate a penny to XXX” while they have a cake party for a person who contributes 50% of their paycheck…

Then I would be upset.


My guess is this is a United Way campaign. It’s perfectly legal to track direct contributions out of your pay check. May not sit well with those who don’t want to give, but no privacy laws are being violated.


However if they made a big poster of your face and put it on picket boards and marched around the office saying “XXX Doesnt donate a penny to XXX” while they have a cake party for a person who contributes 50% of their paycheck…


LOL that’d be sweet. I’d not-donate just to get my face on a poster.

my company probably tracks it too.

they allow us to make weekly deductions… err… donations
to united way.

it probably makes it easier to get more donations if you know who to ask.
we used to have yearly meetings for their pitch, then they would give out the forms.

Tracking is fine, as long as they don’t act on it in any way that is harmful to the employee’s future/opportunities.

I am sure it is a marketing thing or something so they can say:
“our employees donated X amount of money on top of our donation of X”

My company forces us to donate $5 on Fridays to wear jeans. Not only do they track who donates, but if you are not wearing jeans you look like a jerk. To me its only $5 and its to a good cause so who cares.

hey, as long as they dont hold it against people that dont donate i wouldnt care. hell i work for my money and need every cent. when im making enough and i want to donate i would do it. but if they give you shit for not donating then thats not right