Just wondering… I thought I would poke from the outside and see.
i dont think anyone has the dedication to get this goin!
The car is currently on hold but will hopefully be all straightend out before spring time.
The dedication is there, we are just trying to figure out the best way to make it happen.
Well, when it starts getting warm I will be more then willing to help you guys out. I havent talked with Kris about it for a while, thats why I thought I would post and ask.
all i can say is it wont be cool if u guys cheap out on stuff u can bargain shop but make sure its all good cuz u allways get what u paid for
and GET SPONSORS! put the word out everywhere, call companys and put logos on car and say u will be at _____ events this year for exposure…etc!
Then you guys just have to find someone that knows how to drive so that all the work isn’t wasted :thumb
ooooh ooooh MEEEE MEEEE! …
Ok maybe not. :oops:
It might happen, but probably not with the original car - I bought it sight unseen and the underneath is quite rusty and one of the frame rails has been crunched over something. Perhaps not the best start for a track car.
I mean, unless anyone here has a non-running car in better shape they’d like to sell to me?
:oops: sorry guys the problems kris found were problems i didnt have any idea about…
I think a “community” garage: NECC Memebers only in some industrial park is an Idea to get the ball rolling is a good idea.
I think a “community” garage: NECC Memebers only in some industrial park is an Idea to get the ball rolling is a good idea.
But I don’t think anybody here has the funds to rent something like that…