Is this why our insurance is so high?;_ylc=X3oDMTE5ZmdmcGVkBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEc2VjA2ZwLXRvZGF5BHNsawN3b3JzdC1kcml2ZXJz

The worst drivers in America live in New York. Of course, you knew that. You’ve been in the Holland Tunnel. But now, we have proof.

GMAC Insurance has released the results of its National Drivers Test for 2009. The test, which measures basic knowledge of driving laws, was given to more than 5,000 drivers from all 50 states and the District of Columbia – and New Yorkers finished last. Last year’s loser, New Jersey, improved its score just enough to leap over New York. Hawaii, California and Georgia rounded out the bottom five.


But how many live in NYC, where most people don’t drive?

God damn why can’t we separate from them lol.

im going to venture a guess and say they had to be an active driver to take the survey. im sure a large number of those people are from the city though.

I was just going to post this. Some of these are kind of surprising but NY being worst was expected.

“Results from the 2009 GMAC Insurance National Drivers Test released today found that 20.1 percent of licensed Americans - amounting to roughly 41 million drivers on the road - would not pass a written drivers test exam if taken today.” Most of us have trouble, according to the results, with “questions about yellow lights and safe following distances.”

Your Score: 85%

  1. You may pass on the right of another vehicle when:
    WRONG B. The other vehicle is making or about to make a left turn, when a lane is provided to pass on the right

  2. A diamond shaped sign means:
    WRONG A. Yield

  3. When you approach a traffic signal displaying a steady yellow light, you must:
    WRONG C. Be prepared to stop

It’s all nitroinsane’s fault!!!


I thought you were going to post something you did in this thread…

My current state is fairly well ranked at 14th. And my insurance was MORE THAN HALF the cost of my NY insurance. I doubt it was just a coincidence.

5000 drivers? I think the sample size is pretty low. If they divided that evenly then it’s only 100 drivers per state. I would say that they would need to increase the sample size ten-fold to get more accurate results.

95% here and missed #18 as well

In WNY the insurance is not expensive. Try insuring a car in LI, Westchester, Yonkers, or any of the 5 boroughs.

Compared to other states it is (or both me and my wife were getting hosed by our insurance cos before)

When I lived in NY and was not married, I was paying $100/month. My wife was paying $90/month. She had full coverage, I had liability only. We each used a separate insurance company.

We moved to VT, combined insurance and were married. Insurance is $240/6 months with full coverage on one, and comp+liability on the other.

Quite the difference.

From the article.

“When you’re finished, GMAC will even let you play a video game that teaches you how to avoid elderly people and aliens in the roadway (no, we’re not kidding).”


100%… yay…