Islamic Mosque to Open Next to Ground Zero

Apologies, did my time in private school too. The old testament says just about everything is deserving of death, but outside the old testament law books (first 5), the teachings of Christ (and of Muhammed) dont advocate murder. Christians have all but disregarded OT law books for their literal meanings for centuries, that’s why they arent out murdering homosexuals and anyone speaking ill of their fathers. Point being, and it goes with what you’re saying, you have to really stretch to make anything in either religion support the murder of innocent non-believers.

True, but Christianity also reads from the Old Testament. Let’s not forget Revelations, that’s a mindfuck in and of itself. In any case, all you need is a group of people who have completely lost their marbles or just have nothing to lose in general, I’m sure you’d start looking at some religious mumbo jumbo as a message from God to slaughter everyone too.

No hard feelings, man.

Speaking of mindfucks, do extremists use fundamentalist religious views as an actual reason for killing Americans OR is it just the easiest way to recruit for people that hate Americans for every other reason that they have? In other words, is it real or just a charade because they dont like our women dressing like sluts?

I really think it’s a charade. Truthfully, the only thing that the Middle Waste had on us before was our alliance to Israel. We helped Afghanistan gain it’s freedom against Russia… Actually, we helped a lot of the countries over there in one way or another. Bite the hand that feeds, I suppose…

You’re a dope… stop watching fox news for once and open a fuckin book

This is exactttttly what I learned when I took islamic studies

+1…I don’t have numbers… but I remember a certain german killing a few people because they weren’t protestant

In fact, I can think of an ENTIRE COUNTRY that was more or less starved to death because they were Catholic and thus inferior… By Protestants. Hmmm… I can’t remember where that was, though…

niccccceeee… would plus rep you, but i think I already did so you’d neg corEy

It has more to do with Western corporatism and materialistic ways, hence the bombings in London and in Madrid. Now, I am not saying that all Muslims are over the deep end, it’s just a select few.

However, I blame the United States gov’t, banks, and International Corporations for 9/11.

The war on terrorism is all smoke and mirrors used to control the US people who have to rely on channels like fox news to tell them what to fear.

And yes, overtime Christianity has killed more people in their name than Islam.

  • fucking rep Murrdog.

The mass media(hell, include wall street,Federal reserve) is controlled like a puppet. they throw you a word called Terrorism and label the Muslims as the “enemy” while the U.S. is giving BILLIONS of your tax money to Israel yearly supporting/funding the Biggest concentration camp in the world called Palestine
while the deficit rises every second.
President Obama just requested $205 million dollars to fund/develop Israel’s Short-ranged missile system and their Right wing agenda while 3000 teachers were fired the same day for a $219 Educational budget deficit?

and LOL@ “9/11 was carried out by ‘Jihads’”

yea…proof or your wrong:lol

EDIT: posted before reading through the rest of the thread.

:rofl at this thread

OK didnt read anything but title/OP but, who wants to blow it up with me, srs.

Ok so the news is biased… how do you know the books you read and the professors you have aren’t???

i was being sarcastic steven :lol

Start with that one.

and UGHHHHHH if you weren’t a protestant in Germany during the reign of hilter… then you were in a death camp. Hate to tell you this, but I don’t think the muslim faith was created to rain terror on the United states, you dumb bastard.

Religion is evil.
Theres always that my religion is better than yours bullshit and that leads to wars and Habibs flying planes into buildings.

really don’t know why i opened this thread. lots of idiotic statments in it so i couldn’t even read it all.

there is noting wrong with this building, although ignorant people will believe there is.

If I read that book and my dad or grandma doesnt kill me, it would be a miracle :lol


All religions seem to think theyre the best and the others are all wrong.

bro, please.

your = possessive
you’re = you are