All I can say is, You’ve got to be kidding me:

please tell me this is a horrible joke

Nope, unfortunately it’s all too true…

Pretty fucked up if I do say so myself.

what the balls is the world coming to


if it doesn’t get burnt down in the 1st week i’m doing it myself

How would you all feel about a christian church being built across from the Oklahoma City Federal Building?


Like the religion that any of you believe in any better than the Muslims. The atrocities carried out in the name of Allah don’t hold a fucking candle to the atrocities carried out in the name of Christ. :rofl:

*I am not defending Muslims. I am shitting on all religions.

Well, unlike usual, the cum guzzler is actually correct about something.
Religion has been the reason for the most human casulties throughout history.

Kind of reminds me of one of my favorite Zappa tunes…(sorry about the subtitles but it was the best version I could find)

However, this fact really doesn’t have jack shit to do with some fucks wanting to build a mosque at ground zero.
I don’t think those were christians flying those planes.
In fact I’m pretty sure they were muslims.

Just saying…

So what?
Do you blame christianity for abortion clinic bombings? Do you blame christianity for those Westboro baptist church morons that have the GOD HATES FAGS signs at funerals? Do you blame christianity for all of those clergymen fucking all of those little kids and then covering it up?

Unless they’re opening up the “LOL DEATH TO AMERICA DURKA DURKA JIHAD MOSQUE OF NYC” I don’t see any actual issue, besides retards just ignorantly hating muslims because of the acts of 19 people out of a very small radicalized contingent of a religion that encompasses billions of otherwise peaceful and moderate people.


easy solution. Put a picture of prophet Mohammad entering each city

pour pigs blood on the ground