very dissapointed !!!

I am appalled at all my friends who are so opposed to the mosque near ground zero. To show our tolerance, we should let them build. Then right across the street, someone should put a topless bar, called “You Mecca Me Hot”. Next to that should be a gay bar, “The Turban Cowboy”. And next door to the mosque should be a pork rib restaurant, maybe " Iraq o’ Ribs". Then the Muslims could be allowed to show their tolerance.

that is all


It’s not tit for tat- I think the location in itself is bad wnad what’s worse is that it’s being backed by the Govt financially when there is a clear separation of church and state. If it’s not across the baord that what the hell is the Obama adminsitration doing?
What worries me more are the close links in the Obama administration and development project with Hamas, the way they’re back pedalling from using the word terrorist and their weakening policies on the same.

You guys do realize that it is a COMMUNITY CENTER. The mosque is just one part of the center.

people responding to farmer, should only talk in “lols”, “rolflcopters”, and “lmaos”

Because that shit is funny.

a gay bar called “suspicious packages”

lollerskates too?

a large ladies clothing store called “allah That”
a night club called " Iroq and Roll"
strip bar called "Gaza Strip "


Hahahaha, classic.[COLOR=“Silver”]

I hate glen beck but even he knows that this is a bad idea. Sure if you guys want open gay bars in front of mosques then do it but why stop there? Why not build them in front of chrches, temples, or Synagogue’s ? Then right across the street from them, someone should put a topless bar, called “VatiCAN TITY’S”. Next to that should be a gay bar, " Res-Errectin of christ “. And next door to the mosque should be a pork rib restaurant, maybe " Yom Kippork bar and grill”.

But that wouldnt be enough. To show that We also can tolerate people convicted of crimes We should let people to open halfway house near Elementary schools. You know the house that people convicted of sex crimes against kids end up after being released. We could give them happy sounding names like “say goodbye to your childs innocence” Rehabilitaion complex or “the 7-12 year after pill” Rehab clinic.

I dont get why people make such a big deal for a mosque to be built near Ground Zero. Muslims also died in the attacks on the WTC and im not just talking about the pilots. Yes there are Islamists that hate and want to kill everyone but they represent a very small percentage of the whole muslim population. One must never forget that other religions have exterimists too like the KKK or that loser who wanted to burn copies of the koran knowing full well it will cause massive protests and lead to deaths of many people.

fyi its a joke thread !!

Yes bryan, i know. I also liked the “allah that” name you came up with.

lol… so true…so true…

No alcohol at “Suspicious Packages”, it will have 72 virgin drinks. LOL

They let the Muslim community build a masque at ground zero but the Christian community that lost St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox church during 9/11 is being denied the license to rebuild their Christian church at Ground Zero… total bullshit.