ismo's inaine rambling

Nice dude, florida, roxs, glad you are okay, and yea ontario is a risky place to ride, im nervous about this summer, last year was bad for riding.

Hey, dude, I don’t know how rich you are but if some person wrote something offensive on your windshield and super glued it don’t tell me you wouldn’t have a fit, if not, then, let me do that on your car and see how un-pissed you get.

thanks but no thanks, I appreciate you spending your precious time to look something up for me on the net, but I do appreciate it that you don’t take that extra effort to just prove me emo, im guessing its some sort of puppet, I don’t know I don’t watch cartoons.

The way you said what you said before seemed to be something a tiny man would say, not that you are tiny literally.

Dude as for you going and saying that im shit talking and all, im not the one starting anything its you guys fingering my butt, did I ever, EVER pick anyone of you and start saying oh you are annoying this that and ending up in a situation like this at the end, well im a person, and I do have limits to where I think its my right to defend my self.

I may have issue with certain people when I see how geeky or plain stupid their posts are, but I don’t ever make insult them, pick on them or make a big deal, heck I simply move on to a next post and don’t post.

my point is if I type in a certain way its because im that way, its not because I think im cool, or im the best, or im anything special, I just find it fun talking about everything, I like to get involved in topics, and voice my opinion, im not breaking any laws, but then when people try to tell me you can’t do this say that, I try my best to take it easy but sometimes its also you guys who are wrong too, about making a big deal about things.

This place is for everyone, if you like your certain group of people that’s cool, but not everyone has to be accepted into your ways to be able to be a forum member here, and be able to post without having the same people on them.

“That’s a very dangerous move right there”. I don’t know what you mean by this, but if I said anything that seemed that way I was just being metaphorical, and this is the last time I will say this, because frankly im getting tired of saying it, just like some other person threatened me, im not afraid to voice my opinion, it runs in our blood line, we are outgoing loud people, call it a defect or whatever, unlike my brother im not a total ass prick, I do watch out for others feeling and im chilling, but don’t ever get it twisted that you or anyone else could ever scare us by any words, we have a strong and HUGE family all over, we are from a bloodline of warriors, its our habit to be pricks sometimes and I see that, I do correct my self, but I also then try to cool a situation, so It would be helpful if everyone just chilled out and took time out before going on saying stuff, the only reason I said what I said to you was because you insulted me, I will never ever throw the first punch.

btw i deleted my own posts, because i really didn’t want to post up anything about my bike, but since Rabbit and i were having a decent chat about it though oh well why not, what, did i know people would have a fit about it, no.